Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Book Review: The Kindling Muse

The Kindling Muse by Chelsea Guy
Addie just wants answers. Little does she know that she is about to receive them.

Amazon Page
GoodReads Page

Author Website

Amazon Summary:
Sixteen-year-old Addie Flamma has normal goals for a sixteen-year-old: graduate from high school at the top of her class and attend the perfect college, despite growing up under less than ideal conditions. As a minor living in foster care, however, Addie wants more than that; she wants to find out who her parents are and why she has been cursed with serious health problems. During the middle of a presentation in chemistry class, Addie suffers a major seizure. In the hospital, she is given a rare African plant extract in her IV drip known to help adolescents with her type of medical conditions. Miraculously cured by the unique plant, only known as “ashes of life,” Addie returns to school and resumes her job at a shelter for the needy. But when she is drawn to a mysterious boy seeking a hot meal, he changes her future with just four words.

My Thoughts:

Since I bought and was given so many books at the Crossroads Conference (SO. MANY.), I decided to try something new. Along with taking notes as I read, I'm just going to read a third of each book. If I like what I read, I'll finish the book. But, unlike before when I almost always finished every review book regardless of initial opinions, now I will move on after roughly 30-35% if I don't want to keep reading.

Unfortunately, the latter was the case for The Kindling Muse. The plot seemed to be going places, and the concept was unique (once the ball finally got rolling). However, characterization was lacking in places and the writing was sub-par overall. Honestly, if I consider the writing style and mechanics outside of the story, it reminds me strongly of Twilight excerpts I've seen online. I suppose as a huge bestseller that's generally knocked-on by writers, that could be a compliment or an insult. I only mean to state it as a fact. Add in the paranormal/supernatural elements that become more and more apparent as the book progresses, and this really does seem to fit the title "The Next Twilight." As I have no interest in Twilight, maybe this is why I didn't care for the book. Obviously, though, The Kindling Muse could find a good market with readers who do enjoy Twilight.

I won't go into an extensive review, considering I only read a third of the book. Suffice it to say I love the concept, but not how it's carried out. Two and a half stars; recommended for Twilight fans.

I received this book for free from the author in exchange for this review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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