Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Blinking Lights of Warsaw, Poland

Happy Fourth of July!  Today seemed like a great day to talk about freedom-related topics, yes?

A couple of weeks ago, an organization called FEE was brought to my attention.  FEE, standing for The Foundation for Economic Education, was founded "to inspire, educate and connect future leaders with the economic, ethical and legal principles of a free society."  For more information about FEE and its history, stop by their website.  It's definitely worth your time.

One way FEE is carrying out their mission today is through what they call the Blinking Lights Project.  I encourage you to stop by that page on their website - the story is brief but absolutely amazing.  Why "blinking lights"?  Well...

It stems from an experience Lawrence Reed had back in 1986, when he took a trip behind the Iron Curtain to visit freedom-fighters in communist-run Poland.
There he met with Zbigniew and Sofia Romaszewski, two brave dissidents who had just been released from prison because of their work to spread the word of liberty.  
They had run an underground radio station that communicated the truths that the state-controlled media wouldn’t let their people hear.  They could only broadcast eight to ten minutes at a time before moving their location to stay ahead of the police.
Lawrence asked them “how did you know people were listening?”  So they told him something he’ll never forget:
“One night we asked people to blink their lights if they believed in freedom for Poland.  We went to the window, and for hours, all of Warsaw was blinking.”  
Those blinking lights were a harbinger of freedom to come for Poland, as just three years later the Iron Curtain fell and Eastern Europe was freed from communist oppression.
 That gives me prickles all over.  Insanely inspiring stuff right there.

As part of the Blinking Lights Project, FEE and Walden Media launched the Amazing Grace Initiative.  On the webpage, you can read about the true story behind the Amazing Grace film, view the trailer, and request your own free copy of the DVD and discussion guide.  (Currently they've run out of copies, but are working on obtaining more.)

I was able to sign up for a copy before they ran out - but not for me!  No, my family bought the Amazing Grace movie back when the DVD first came out.  (It truly is awesome, and will always be one of my favorite films.)  This promotional copy and discussion guide is for use here, on my blog!  Now, obviously I can't show a DVD on my blog.  (How cool that would be!)  But tune in Saturday for a chance to WIN this truly tremendous movie!

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