Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Book Tour: Untold Promise {Author Interview + Giveaway!}

Good morning, my lovely readers!  You may have noticed today we're doing something a bit different... While paranormal has never been and probably will never be one of the genres I enjoy reading or writing, today I'm part of a blog tour for Untold Promise, the second book in a paranormal series!  I haven't read any of Caitlin's books, I'll admit, but I've gotten to know her fairly well as a friend from Go Teen Writers.  So let's all welcome Caitlin Hensley and make way for her interview - and giveaway!

Caitlin Hensley has been telling stories since she learned to hold a pen, and is pretty much obsessed with writing. She’s the author of The Inhuman Chronicles, as well as the novelette Together Alone. When not typing frantically on her laptop, she’s usually dancing, catching up on reruns of her favorite TV shows, or getting lost in a great book. She lives with her family and a slightly nutty Chihuahua in rural Oklahoma, where she often stands outside watching the clouds for signs of tornadoes that might veer her way.

Hello Caitlin!  We'll start with the basics: When did you first start writing? Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Actually, for as long as I can remember, I’ve loved to write. When I was about three years old, I’d scribble “stories” on sheets of notebook paper, and my mom would staple them together to make “books.” It was only a couple of years ago that I decided I wanted to publish some of what I’ve written, though.

That sounds so fun, and very familiar.  I was a writer child, too. :)

Do you outline your books, or write as you go?
I don’t like to plot too much, because to me, that feels like writing the story twice. I usually type out a loose outline, and then go from there, expanding the plot.

Hm.  That's definitely not like me!  I am very much a plotter at heart.

Are any scenes in your books based on real experiences?
Usually I don’t use my life as material in my books, but in Untold Promise, there’s a scene where someone is trying to break into Haily’s house. About a year ago I actually had a problem with a prowler, so that came in handy when I wrote the scene.

Oi!  Not sure I'd want that kind of real-life experience... it would make for a great story to tell my friends later, I'm sure!

Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what?
I love listening to soundtracks from movies and TV shows. Pirates of the Caribbean is one of my favorites, because all the music is so dramatic, and really sparks my imagination.

Oh, agreed!  I love, love, love those movies and their music.

Did you have to travel much for your latest project?
Only in my imagination.

Indie publishing or traditional publishing?
I used to want to be traditionally published, but I’m so glad I decided to publish my own books. Indie all the way!


What’s the title of your latest book?
Untold Promise. It’s book two of The Inhuman Chronicles.

What genre does Untold Promise fit into?
Paranormal fantasy with a touch of romance.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve Googled?
For a recent WIP that takes place after a nuclear war, I researched radiation, Geiger counters, frostbite, how to help someone give birth, and different types of guns.

Haha, I recently scoured the internet for a silhouette of a pregnant woman in a dress for a story trailer... we writers really don't have the best internet history...

Any advice for other writers?
Trust your dreams. If you want to write, write. And if you want to publish, do it. Don’t let other people tell you that you can’t.

Where can people go to find information about your books?
Blog // Facebook // Goodreads // Amazon Author Page

Untold Promise official summary:
Haily Long’s life has been turned upside down. As she struggles to make sense of her new status as teenage witch, she experiences a series of psychic dreams about a man with a knife, whose one goal seems to be butchering her on a cold metal table. On top of that crisis, eccentric British vampire Luke wants to teach Haily witchcraft, her boyfriend Nathan is acting weird, and her annoying housemate Jake is acting weirder. Also, it seems very possible that Haily is seeing dead people. Secrets are uncovered, friendships are betrayed, and the psycho with the knife is closing in for the kill. It’s up to Haily to decipher her visions before it’s too late…

Now, the giveaway!  Open internationally to all ages.  Have at it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out the other stops on the tour!

Marie Herman, guest post - http://how2writeabook.blogspot.com/

Jennifer Don, spotlight/interview - http://wolvenheart.wordpress.com/

Rachel Brune, guest post - http://infamous-scribbler.com/blog/

Zara Hoffman, spotlight - http://www.zarahoffman.com/blog.html

Karen Martin, spotlight/interview - http://karenemartin.com/blog/

Christina Moore, interview - http://diaryofanindieauthor.blogspot.com/

Emily Rachelle Russell, interview & giveaway - http://emilyrachellewrites.blogspot.com/ (You're here!)

Sarah Jayne Carr, interview - http://www.sarahjcarr.com/now-presenting.html

Dominique Goodall, character interview - http://dominiquegoodall.wordpress.com/

Heidi Nicole Bird, interview - http://www.heidinicolebird.com/

Marie Hampton, spotlight - http://mariehamptonauthor.wordpress.com/

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