Thursday, November 28, 2013


Guess what, my lovely readers! It's that time of year again! No, I'm not talking about Thanksgiving, Christmas, or snow - although all of those are marvelous.

I'm talking about my annual December 12 - January 15 blog party. This will be year three! We all know good things come in threes, not to mention the third time's a charm. ;)

Of course, there shall be giveaways. Guest posts. Interviews. The whole shebang! I still have quite a few slots open, especially considering there's going to be a post for EVERY SINGLE DAY for a month. Therefore, if you have a blog/are a published author (self- or traditionally-published) and would like to join the party, or have a favorite blogger/author you want to see hosted, please do let me know at

Oh, and the giveaways! I need sponsors. If you have an online store or know of one that may be interested in sponsoring a giveaway (and a review, if they'd like), you can email me, too. Same address.

Thanks, guys! Hopefully this year will be even greater than those past! Don't forget to spread the word - share this post and the above image on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, your blog, Tumblr, your grandma's fridge - anywhere you can!

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