Thursday, July 18, 2013

Heart Torn in Two {The Fanfiction}

Some of you, my lovely readers, may remember a fanfiction I've mentioned a few times recently, titled Heart Torn in Two.  You see, I'm currently working on a Prince Caspian movie fanfiction centered around Susan and Caspian's relationship.  Now, before the book purists and canon keepers groan or tune me out, give me a chance.  This is not your ordinary Suspian romance.


My readers have plenty to say about my fanfiction - and the fans come from diehards to complete haters on the Suspian scale.  I'll share more about the readers' opinions next week.

Today, I want to share what exactly this fanfiction is all about.  "Two hearts. Two worlds. Two children. When Susan leaves Narnia the second time, she leaves much more than a lover behind and carries a great secret with her. Will her life ever be whole again?"

Source (a great article I highly recommend reading)
While it may seem so based on the chapters currently available online, this is not just a retelling of the movie.  It's also not just an exploration of Susan and Caspian's relationship.  It's not just something fun for me to write and fans to read.  Although Heart Torn in Two is all these things, it's much more.

This is the story of a lonely, heroic queen and the young, handsome prince who manages to see through her tough exterior.  This is a story of wars and growing up and magic.  This is the story of two children, brought up in secret by an unusual family group, who discover the truth awaiting them within their bedtime stories.  Above all, this is a story of family.

Experience magic.  Fall in love.  Explore Narnia for yourself, in Heart Torn in Two.

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