Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Slavery Footprint

Good morning, my lovely readers!  Today I'd like to share a website with you: Slavery Footprint.  This interactive website is a place for people to learn about and begin to fight against modern slavery (human trafficking).  When you first enter the website, you can either learn about modern slavery and then take a survey or go directly to the survey.

The survey is eleven questions long, starting with demographics - location, gender, age - then getting into the specifics of your lifestyle and material possessions.  Topics include food, medicine cabinet, and kids.  Several questions have the option to "fine tune" your answers for more accurate results.

Once the survey's over, you'll see your slavery footprint - how many slaves work for you as well as a map with dots you can click to see location and material specifics.  I took the survey a couple times and got between 40 and 60 slaves each time - way more than I expected.  (Also, try to avoid retaking the survey or going back to re-fine-tune your answers.  Sometimes answers aren't saved... apparently.)

Now you can connect your information with your Facebook account or create a login.  That way, you can use the action center to send notes to brands you use, recruit friends, share your progress, donate to Slavery Footprint, send letters to government representatives, volunteer with one of Slavery Footprint's partners, and take other actions to work towards an entirely free trade world.  As you complete actions, you earn Free World Points and abolitionist badges.  You can also compare your stats with your friends'.  There's even an app to help you stay free trade while you're out shopping!

One feature I think is pretty cool is that a company, school, or any other group of people can make a Slavery Footprint group.  Anyone who takes the survey and makes an account can find and join a group.  I'm not sure yet what joining a group involves, because the only groups I could find were college groups.  But if you want to connect with other Slavery Footprint users (including me!), I've made us a special group!  Anyone who finds out about Slavery Footprint or my Slavery Footprint group here can join us.  Just search for "Emily Rachelle Writes Blog Group" and join!  You can be a fellow blogger, a reader here, or just someone who stumbled upon this post.

Go take the survey and come back to tell me your results!

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