Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I'm Not Dead

Hello, my lovely readers.

It's been a while, hasn't it?

I took an undecided, unannounced blogging break. I could explain about my real-world health problems, college crisis, schedule craziness, or high school senioritis. But I don't feel like making a laundry list of the issues driving me in circles this past month. Instead, I'll just say I fell off the blogging bandwagon and didn't really care about getting back on. I'm back now, so let's focus on the happy stuff.

Like my best friend's birthday on March 29. The best friend I based characters in my book Sixteen about. Speaking of Sixteen, something else very important occurred on March 29...

So, yeah, go buy it if you want. I'd love a review once you've read it, if you're feeling particularly generous.

Oh, and a bit of other news: since I've been finding it so hard to stick to blogging, I've decided to scale back the blogging schedule once again. This will probably only last until after graduation in late May, since I always feel like blogging more often in the summer. For now, though, I'll be popping in on Wednesdays and only on Wednesdays. I may or may not have a new series coming up next week... haven't decided yet. Just keep your eyes peeled ;) If I do go ahead with it, it's going to be huge. Life-changing. Trust me.