Saturday, February 25, 2012

30 Day Challenge - Day 13: A Guilty Pleasure

So, I said I was gonna keep up with this thing and then totally forgot for a month. Sorry!  But I do intend to keep going now. ;)

Okay, I know most women have a guilty pleasure, but mine's not as easily defined as "watching Gossip Girl" or whatever.


Alright.  It kinda can.  This definitely counts, and I can't believe I didn't think of it right away.  In fact, I'm indulging right now.  Ready?

*tiny embarrassed voice*

I adore Taylor Swift music.  I'm not talking I-listen-to-a-few-songs-once-in-a-blue-moon.  I'm talking I-love-these-songs.

*properly shamed face*

Now, I don't like her songs about revenge or "Mean" or most of her breakup songs.  But I love the happy songs.

So now I shall share with you! :D

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