Friday, November 30, 2012

Whew! NaNoWriMo Wrap-Up

Hello, my lovely readers!  I'm back from the crazy writers' cave called NaNoWriMo.  This is the first post for this month that I'm actually writing after September.  And I'm here to tell you how the month went and what I accomplished, all that.  (Also, apologies for posting this a day late.  I didn't realize until yesterday after this post never went up that I still had to write it.)

First of all, the bad news: I lost.  It's a bit sad, yes, but I can be a slow writer sometimes.  Just a fact of life.

Now for the good news:  I *did* manage to write over 25,000 words, or the halfway point of my goal.  This may seem a bit pathetic, until you consider that last year's goal was 20,000 and I wrote 7,000.  Or that the most words I'd ever put into any one project before this month was 13,500.

Also, Chris Angotti, the man who runs the NaNo Young Writer's Program, also lost this year (by a lot).  Which, regardless of the fact that NaNo is supposed to be a personal thing, still makes me feel that much better.  I think his almost-post-NaNo pep talk about celebrating the spark of creativity was definitely one of the best pep talks they've had.

To close this wrap-up, I'm going to share a few small bits of my manuscript, in all their unedited first draft glory, for your enjoyment.  I will note that I cut out a few characters and varied from some of the plans I've shared this month, but that's to be expected.

Then y'all can scroll down to the comments and tell me: Fellow NaNo-ers, how did your month go?  Did you win?  If not, what did you accomplish anyway?  Remember, NaNo is about celebrating the spark!

From Chapter One: Father, Beila, Viviann, and Damien are at breakfast; Father is talking about his nightmare from that night.

I drop my spoon into my Cheerios, coughing and sputtering.  A few gulps of milk drains my bowl dry and calms me down.
"You all right, Beila?"
I nod at my brother and motion for Father to continue.  "You were saying, a creature?"
He grins and resumes.  "Well, I'm not quite sure what it'd be called."  He gestures to the three of us, his little family.  "Maybe you can help.  It had a head like a giant predatory bird, with these giant, wild golden eyes.  The color reminded me of a cat, but they were definitely a huge bird's eyes with their round, beady shape.  The eyes are the first thing you notice, before the beak.  Man, that thing had a beak!  All hooked and shining yellow, it just screamed predator.  Not to mention the claws!  Talons, really, I guess - they were an bird's, too - huge, curved, and gleaming black.  Very black.  They curled under a lot.  Now, this thing had the head and talons of an bird, but his chest was puffed out and furry.  It projected the very image of strength and power - the whole muscled body did, from the chest through the shoulders and haunches to the taloned hands and the massive hind legs and paws."
School, breakfast, time, life has all faded away.  There's nothing but me and Father and the monster I've been seeking for weeks.

From Chapter Three: Beila meets the stranger she's been dreaming about.

"Hello."  My laughter dies out and I bite my lip, suddenly feeling a bit shy.  I didn't really think about it before, but standing here for real, with my bare, now dirty feet and my fancy gown and hair, is so much different than the times before in my dreams.  I think of the necklace and glance down.  It's not there and I feel a bit sad.
"Hello."  I can hear the smile in his voice.  I've missed that voice, even if it has been only two days since I last heard it.  It's like, down here in the tunnels, far away from my home and surrounded by magic and dirt, like he's the only thing that makes me keep it together.  He seems to connect me and this place and my real home, up top - and I'm sure he knows how and why I'm here.  Even if he can't tell me anything, even if he's practically a stranger, he makes me feel more at home in the tunnels.
"I'm sorry."
"Oh?  What for?"
"I'm afraid I haven't come up with a name for you yet."
He actually laughs, and I realize it's the first time I've heard him do that.

From Chapter Five: Beila has discovered visible people in the tunnels.

She takes my hand in her free one and pulls me through the crush of bodies to the center of the group.  Then she turns to me.  "Beila, we are cursed.  You know that.  This enchantment has held us for nearly five hundred years, and you are the only one who can break it.  But since your arrival here, the magic has changed - accelerated.  Our world is falling apart, and there's not much time.  The truth will set you free.  The truth must set us all free.  But you must seek it for yourself."
"I don't-"
"You must learn the truth, and you must remember.  Only then will we be free and safe.  You have to hurry, Beila."  Her voice starts to tremble, and the tone of power and leading has changed to one of pleading and desperation.  "Please, my dear.  Our lives are in your hands.  Our king... he is in danger, and it affects us all.  Soon we will be lost."
"I want to help you, I really do.  But I don't know what to do!  How am I supposed to find the truth?  What does that even mean?  Beside the point, shouldn't we be in our rooms?  It's not safe out here!"
"True, but soon it won't be safe anywhere."  She steps forward and takes both my hands firmly in hers.  "You have to be strong.  You have to be smart."  She lowers her voice and looks straight into my eyes, leaning in even closer.  "The library."  It's barely a whisper, and I'm certain only I caught those last words.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My NaNoWriMo Writing Application

This month is dedicated entirely to NaNoWriMo, since that's what I'm furiously working on as you, my lovely readers, enjoy these posts. Today I'm talking about the application I'm using this year for writing my NaNo without worrying about computer crashes, forgetting to save my work, and other such tragedies.

I'm one of those writers - the writers who are very much in-the-loop and part of the online writing community.  I follow the blogs, comment on the forums, and participate in the social media groups.  One topic of writers' conversation is writing applications and software.  We talk about what we write with on our computers (Open Office, Notepad, Microsoft Word, etc. - I use Wordpad.)  We also tlak about online stuff we write in to prevent losing our work in the event of computer failure (Google Docs is a big one.)

I never used any of them, not because I didn't think they'd be useful (I've lost a good hour of writing to computer problems) but because I thought it'd be too much of a pain to transfer all the stuff I already have on my computer and learn how to use the program.  (I hate learning how to use new software or tech toys.)

I was an idiot.

While reading some old posts on the Young Writer's Program NaNo forums, I discovered something called Yarny.  The people talking on the forums already knew what it was, but I didn't, so I Googled it.  Lo and behold, it is pretty much the most simple, easy-to-use writing software I've ever seen.  I always liked this other free software I'd seen before that helps you organize all your notes and writing, but it looked too complicated for me to learn.

screenshot of Yarny with intro bubbles

Yarny is so easy to use!  Three places for notes and one place for story, with completely separate files for each story.  Online storage of my work and notes.  Automatic saving.  I'm in love!

Now, Yarny is still a very new thing and I'm still a newbie to it myself.  But I can say that I will recommend this to any writers talking about software and continue to use it for my stories.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My NaNoWriMo Pinspiration, Week Four

This month, I'm working on NaNoWriMo, so all posts will be writing-, story-, or Nano-related and written a month before they're posted. Thanks for understanding, and I hope you enjoy the Pinspiration posts replacing The Pinterest Report for November.
Click the images to go to their pins.

You can find me on Pinterest here.

All images are off of Pinterest and are linked to their original sources from that site.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I'm Thankful For...

~cranberry sauce
~free sunday afternoons
~my laptop
~a pretty room
~nail polish
~online writing communities
~lip balm
~october in georgia
~blogger. gmail. google translate.
~critique partners
~html code
~library cards
~quality ink pens
~postal workers
~spray-on detangler
~double-sided tape
~large purses
~hot glue gun
~long walks in spring, wax paper, and heavy books
~inanimate, unconcious plastic
~air conditioning
~fuzzy blankets
~hot chocolate
~chocolate frosting
~chocolate truffles
~dipping chocolate melts
~all other chocolate
~bath&body works signature sets
~cheap long-distance phone service
~refillable water bottles
~pretty jewelry
~used book stores
~scrapbook paper
~favorite childhood movies
~amazing soundtracks
~really good dreams
~facebook freebies
~movies as good as their books
~yellow houses
~ice cream
~nights with a parent all to yourself
~blog giveaways
~long pillows
~fluffy cats
~beach vacations
~free samples
~old dolls

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My NaNo: A Terrible Creature

This month is dedicated entirely to NaNoWriMo, since that's what I'm furiously working on as you, my lovely readers, enjoy these posts. Today I'm bringing... another character to introduce to you.  He's a bit unique, although very dear to my heart.  Quite possibly one of my favorite characters, he's not actually human.  Just go ahead and read on to see what I mean.

Griffin.  Gryphon.  Gryffin, griphon, gryphin.  Pick your preference - mine's gryphon, but for my story I'm going with the more modern and common spelling of griffin.


Think of everything you know about these noble creatures of strength and honor.  Now forget it.  This griffin is nothing like those, and it's not at all his fault.


The only thing Beila knows is that a horrible beast rages through the tunnels at night, and the invisible beings are terrified of it.  However, when she finally finds the villagers that live in this strange world, they're convinced he's a cursed man they once knew - and Beila's not only the single person who can calm him, but she's also his only hope of salvation.


She's sure they're insane and naturally refuses to go anywhere near such a dangerous animal.  However, she ventures out in the tunnels during the safety of day to find... something.  Anything to pull together the few pieces she has of a complex puzzle involving the griffin, the invisible beings, the lost prince, the villagers, the man from her dreams, the tunnels - and her.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

My NaNoWriMo Pinspiration, Week Three

This month, I'm working on NaNoWriMo, so all posts will be writing-, story-, or Nano-related and written a month before they're posted. Thanks for understanding, and I hope you enjoy the Pinspiration posts replacing The Pinterest Report for November.
Click the images to go to their pins.

You can find me on Pinterest here.

All images are off of Pinterest and are linked to their original sources from that site.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My NaNo: Supporting Characters

This month is dedicated entirely to NaNoWriMo, since that's what I'm furiously working on as you, my lovely readers, enjoy these posts.  Today I was planning to introduce and interview Beila's family, but since she already told us a good deal about them, I thought I'd tell you about the other characters.  I can't find them to request an interview, but I *can* share the little information I have on them.

Francis III, Duke of Brittany
Born to King Francis I and Queen Claude, Francis was the first royal son and heir to the French throne when he mysteriously disappeared in August 1536 at only eighteen years of age.  The creatures in the tunnel seem to be connected to this long-ago event, and the man himself, somehow... but Beila will have to figure that mystery out herself.
The first person who, after much searching, Beila finally discovers in the tunnels. But who is this mute young girl? Where did she come from and why is she here?

Unnamed Prince
A man without a name.  All Beila knows is that he, too, is connected to this prince and these tunnels - and that she just might love him.  But how is she to be with a man that she only sees in her dreams - literally?
Louna's young mother, a shy, quiet widow without many friends.  She befriends Beila, though, in her way.  Beila can tell the woman is despairing, but why?  Of what?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My NaNo: Story World Map

This month is dedicated entirely to NaNoWriMo, since that's what I'm furiously working on as you, my lovely readers, enjoy these posts. Today I have a map I sketched in Paint of the tunnel world in which my story's set.  You can click on it to get a better view, but I won't be answering any questions!  ;)  That would ruin the fun!



Saturday, November 10, 2012

My NaNoWriMo Pinspiration, Week Two

This month, I'm working on NaNoWriMo, so all posts will be writing-, story-, or Nano-related and written a month before they're posted. Thanks for understanding, and I hope you enjoy the Pinspiration posts replacing The Pinterest Report for November.
Click the images to go to their pins.

You can find me on Pinterest here.

All images are off of Pinterest and are linked to their original sources from that site.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

My NaNo: Beila Durand, Main Character Extraordinaire

This month is dedicated entirely to NaNoWriMo, since that's what I'm furiously working on as you, my lovely readers, enjoy these posts.  Today I have my NaNo's main character Beila Durand here for an introduction and interview.

{You can see a photo of Beila here.  I'd post it, but I'd rather be safe than sorry with Shutterstock copyrights...}

Hello Beila!  Welcome to my blog.  Will you please introduce yourself, give us the basics?  Of course!  I'm Beila Durand, city girl and book lover.  I'm not sure what else to say!

Well then, tell us about your family.  Well, there's Father.  He's in his fifties, has a lot of well-trimmed gray-white hair, and is a brilliant lawyer.  Really, his work is his life and it suits him.  Then there's Damien, my older brother.  He's twenty-three and really sweet - like a second father to my sisters and me - with brown hair like Father used to have and blue eyes like Mom.  He's actually engaged to a redhead named Felicity.  I love her hair, her name, her voice - oh, I can't wait to be her sister-in-law!  Haha, anyway... then there's Viviann, our youngest sister.  She looks most like Father and me, with her brown hair, but her's isn't as curly as mine or Lizzie's so she straightens it.  Her eyes are the darkest in the family.  Viviann's the kind of girl who just wants to grow up already, and she tends to be snappy or downright mean.  She doesn't intend to be like that.  I think losing Mom has affected her the most.  Speaking of which, I forgot Mom! She was dazzling - long, curly blond hair and beautiful blue eyes.  She was the only one in our family who had any interest in gardening, which I guess is why I still love it so much.  Most of my memories of her involve working on our gardens or attempting to cook with things we'd grown together.  She never was the greatest cook... haha.

You've talked about gardening and mentioned you love books.  Why don't you tell us more about your hobbies, your interests?  Okay.  I told you about Mom and gardening.  We used to live in a more rural area of New York, where we had an actual garden with sections for flowers, herbs, vegetables, et cetera.  When we moved to New York City she and I taught ourselves together how to garden in small spaces and containers.  Now I mostly just grow edible plants, but I still keep a rose plant.  Red roses were Mom's favorite, and they've become mine too.  As for reading, well, I don't really have a genre preference.  Of course, I like books with merit - I'm not one for comics or books with bad language, poor writing, or any of that.  I just can't enjoy the story when errors or improper conduct is staring me in the face.

The only other hobby I have would be watching musicals.  I especially love The Sound of Music (who wouldn't?) and Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera.  Also, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is great.

I was planning to ask more questions, but it seems you've given us a good amount of information in those two answers.  I have just one more, then: can you give us a picture of your ideal or favorite outfit?

Ooh, that's a hard one.  I'm very particular about what I wear!  So many trends these days are tasteless... but anyway, here's a casual outfit I love:

That's really cute!  Thanks for coming Beila, and I can't wait to see what happens with your story!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My NaNo: Cover Image and Back Cover Copy

This month is dedicated entirely to NaNoWriMo, since that's what I'm furiously working on as you, my lovely readers, enjoy these posts. Today I'm sharing with you the cover I've created and description I've written for my story.  It's not exactly perfect, but it works for now!

In this retelling of Beauty and the Beast, Beila Durand's just an ordinary girl from New York City when her father's job takes a plunge, forcing the family to move to her childhood home in rural Rome, New York. She doesn't mind the country until strange dreams plague both her and her father. When she sets out to find the source of the dreams, she discovers a world of tunnels and secrets unlike anything she's ever seen. Who are the invisible beings that guide her through this world? What is the terrible noise plaguing this dark world at night? Why do the tunnels and the man in Beila's dreams seem to call to her, begging her to uncover their mysteries?
I also have a cover created by Ruth Ackiv for my official NaNo page:

What do you think, my lovely readers?  Does it pique your interest?  Would you be likely to pick it up in a bookstore or library?


Saturday, November 3, 2012

My NaNoWriMo Pinspiration, Week One

This month, I'm working on NaNoWriMo, so all posts will be writing-, story-, or Nano-related and written a month before they're posted.  Thanks for understanding, and I hope you enjoy the Pinspiration posts replacing The Pinterest Report for November.
 Click the images to go to their pins.

You can find me on Pinterest here.

All images are off of Pinterest and are linked to their original sources through that site.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Today's The Day: November First

Today begins the madness, the craziness, the insanity and lack of sleep and complete ignoring of the people around us that is NaNoWriMo.  (National Novel Writing Month, for those unfamiliar with the tortuous November tradition.  As a side note, if you're a member and logged in, you can click here to see my NaNo page!  I take buddy requests too.)

Click the image to go to the site.

Last year, I was pitifully new to NaNo.  Not so this time around.  I've been researching, taking notes, making maps, interviewing characters, making Pinterest boards, designing Spotify playlists, and otherwise preparing for a month and a half.  Today I dedicate every minute possible to beginning the monumental task of carving out at least 50,000 words in 30 days.

This is huge for all participants, but especially for me - not only because I've never written a story longer than 13,500 words, but also because last year I did the youth program.  Which meant I set my own word count goal of 20,000... and still lost.

This year, I am so determined to win, I worked ahead on all other tasks and projects I can; pre-wrote and scheduled every blog post that will go up this month (yes, I'm actually writing this post in late September); mega-outlined my story; and made a sign for my bedroom door to warn my family members: