Thursday, November 8, 2012

My NaNo: Beila Durand, Main Character Extraordinaire

This month is dedicated entirely to NaNoWriMo, since that's what I'm furiously working on as you, my lovely readers, enjoy these posts.  Today I have my NaNo's main character Beila Durand here for an introduction and interview.

{You can see a photo of Beila here.  I'd post it, but I'd rather be safe than sorry with Shutterstock copyrights...}

Hello Beila!  Welcome to my blog.  Will you please introduce yourself, give us the basics?  Of course!  I'm Beila Durand, city girl and book lover.  I'm not sure what else to say!

Well then, tell us about your family.  Well, there's Father.  He's in his fifties, has a lot of well-trimmed gray-white hair, and is a brilliant lawyer.  Really, his work is his life and it suits him.  Then there's Damien, my older brother.  He's twenty-three and really sweet - like a second father to my sisters and me - with brown hair like Father used to have and blue eyes like Mom.  He's actually engaged to a redhead named Felicity.  I love her hair, her name, her voice - oh, I can't wait to be her sister-in-law!  Haha, anyway... then there's Viviann, our youngest sister.  She looks most like Father and me, with her brown hair, but her's isn't as curly as mine or Lizzie's so she straightens it.  Her eyes are the darkest in the family.  Viviann's the kind of girl who just wants to grow up already, and she tends to be snappy or downright mean.  She doesn't intend to be like that.  I think losing Mom has affected her the most.  Speaking of which, I forgot Mom! She was dazzling - long, curly blond hair and beautiful blue eyes.  She was the only one in our family who had any interest in gardening, which I guess is why I still love it so much.  Most of my memories of her involve working on our gardens or attempting to cook with things we'd grown together.  She never was the greatest cook... haha.

You've talked about gardening and mentioned you love books.  Why don't you tell us more about your hobbies, your interests?  Okay.  I told you about Mom and gardening.  We used to live in a more rural area of New York, where we had an actual garden with sections for flowers, herbs, vegetables, et cetera.  When we moved to New York City she and I taught ourselves together how to garden in small spaces and containers.  Now I mostly just grow edible plants, but I still keep a rose plant.  Red roses were Mom's favorite, and they've become mine too.  As for reading, well, I don't really have a genre preference.  Of course, I like books with merit - I'm not one for comics or books with bad language, poor writing, or any of that.  I just can't enjoy the story when errors or improper conduct is staring me in the face.

The only other hobby I have would be watching musicals.  I especially love The Sound of Music (who wouldn't?) and Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera.  Also, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is great.

I was planning to ask more questions, but it seems you've given us a good amount of information in those two answers.  I have just one more, then: can you give us a picture of your ideal or favorite outfit?

Ooh, that's a hard one.  I'm very particular about what I wear!  So many trends these days are tasteless... but anyway, here's a casual outfit I love:

That's really cute!  Thanks for coming Beila, and I can't wait to see what happens with your story!

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