Saturday, March 23, 2013

Broken-Heart and Ceiling-Staring Days {guest post}

As you read this, I'm currently on a bus full of kids on the way home from my first ever college visit in Florida!  Woo-hoo!  But that means I didn't get to write a Pinterest Report post this week.  :(  Instead of leaving my lovely readers with a simple 'on hiatus' message, this time I thought you'd enjoy reading a post I rediscovered this week that reminds me a lot of my word this year.

I couldn’t even pinpoint why I was grip-the-steering-wheel angry, frustrated, anxious. All I knew was that my heart was broken. Not by a boy. Not by a bad grade. Not by anything identifiable. Just…Sky gray with hovering clouds. Stress of a semester rolling toward the end. Sense of accomplishment from graduating community college combined with head-whirling nervousness of looking ahead to university. I felt as if I could drive on into the unknown, toward the last exit I’d never before followed home.

So many dreams coming true this year.

Graduating with my associate’s degree. Going on a mission trip. Gearing up for the small, private, Christian university I’ve wanted to attend for so long.

Yet so many dreams still grow.

Read the rest of this post at More to Be.

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