Thursday, March 28, 2013

What OneWord365 Has Taught Me (So Far)

Stop by the OneWord365 blog to read my official guest post: how to keep your word alive!


Dreams take patience.  I can't expect to achieve all my dreams and goals in one year.  I have to decide what's most important to me, and then I have to organize my time to accomplish that.  Sometimes I have to set aside a dream or desire of mine in order to help with another's dream, too.

Dreams take work.  I can't sit back and wait for everything to just fall into place.  I have to take action!  Sometimes I want to do something or help someone, but I don't like the step(s) involved with that.  I have to push my sleeves up and work through that anyway if I'm going to reach the happier, wiser me on the other side.

Dreams take money.  This is a bit more practical than philosophical, but it's quite true.  I have to use my money wisely and sometimes say no to little things I want if I'm to be able to accomplish my dreams and help others reach theirs.

My dreams teach me.  Getting my ears pierced put me out of my comfort zone, which is actually not easy to do.  I love to be bold, to enjoy life and try new things - but even the great and adventurous Emily is learning that I'm not done expanding my mind or redrawing the lines I've set around my life.

My dreams don't always make sense.  Sometimes I've wanted something for so long, I can't even remember why I ever wanted it.  It's become stale.  That's when I have to take a step back and think, "Is this worth it?  Why am I doing this?  Is it really important or am I just trying to prove something?"

My dreams aren't always good for me.  I love doing new things and being daring and bold - but there's such things as caution and safety measures for a reason.  Sometimes living out my dreams means learning when something's a great goal and when it's just me being stubborn or foolish.

I'm participating in Melanie's Monthly One Word Linkup Party.  Join us!

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