Saturday, May 25, 2013

DIY Party Diva: Boys' Piñata Party {Food + Favors}

Boys' Piñata Party
{Food + Favors}
Theme: Piñatas and candy; Guest list: Boys, ages 6-10

The lollipop ice cream cone centerpiece counted as food, and the candy from the mini piñatas doubled as favors, as did the prize candy from the punch box.  But we also had special piñata favor bags and some very special...

Piñata Cookies!

This is probably one of the most involved projects I've tried off Pinterest.  It was a lot harder than I expected, too!  For this project, I'm going to sort of break the DIY Party Diva 'rules' and send you over the original tutorial.  It's much better for such an involved project:

But I'll still post my photos! :)

A lot of work was involved!

Layering the dough?  Definitely not as easy as it looks.

Of course, involved kitchen project = heavily involved dish duty!

Slicing up the frozen dough...

Cutting the baked cookies.  We're not done yet!


...and filling.

The cookies on the tray are awaiting assembly and filling.  But see those overflowing cookie jars?  That's all the extra from outside the cookie-cutter.  (Makes for plenty of snacking while working!)

The finished product!  We decided not to have a birthday cake since these things were a lot bigger (massive three-layer!) than expected.

Favor Bags

What you'll need: Paper bags, double-sided tape or glue, tissue paper, scissors, marker

What to do:  Decide how many layers of tissue paper you want and measure how wide your strips will have to be, keeping in mind the layers should overlap.  Cut your tissue paper into strips, then 'fringe' those strips.

Start with the lowest layer of tissue paper.  Fold the strips to the width of the bag so they are two or three sheets thick.  Cut off what's left of the strip (you can probably use it on another bag if it's long enough).  Glue or tape into place.  Repeat going up the bag, making sure to leave space at the top for the name.  Allow any glue to dry.

Use a Sharpie or other marker to label the bags.  All done!

I don't have any party photos for this party, and for the next two weeks DIY Party Diva will be on hiatus.  Tune in on June 15 to see what our next party will be!

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