Monday, October 21, 2013

Fundraiser... Um, Stuff

Forgive my brain's complete refusal to come up with a witty or even half-sensible title for this post. Also, this post is replacing my usual Tuesday post, what with the auction closing on Tuesday and all that. Anyway, read on!

Recently I've had the opportunity to be involved with two fundraisers that I happen to consider important and awesome. Naturally, I figured I should share these fundraisers with your noble and charity-supportive selves, my lovely readers.

First off! Carter Crabb. High school freshman and talented artist, this guy was in the hospital with a collapsed lung earlier this year. He met quite a few kids and teens there with bigger problems and smaller support teams that now weigh on his heart. Therefore, he decided to do something!

Okay, allow me to explain: our new student pastor has this thing about "Face Plant!" in the Bible - his term for devotions and personal Bible study, that sort of thing. He has us literally do face plants in our Bibles sometimes in youth group. Yeah, he's definitely unique!

This Christmas, Carter hopes to pass out Bibles to children in that hospital - as well as a local orphanage our church has helped in the past. Considering the origin and spirit of Christmas, not to mention the lack of gifts or joy many of these kids live with, this seems like a very fitting project! But Bibles cost money, and Carter needs more of that if this thing is going to happen.

Interested in donating or finding out more? I thought so! Check out his online fundraiser here: :)

Next! Noah Estes. I won't go over the many details of this little boy's crazy life. (Although you can find all that here.) Basically, he's sick, and their family has to have a great big bus to go anywhere because of all the medicine and equipment Noah needs with him at all times. Their current bus is literally falling to pieces, so a family friend set up an online auction and fundraiser to get them a new (and safer!) bus.

Where do I come in with this? Well, besides being writer-friends with Noah's sister (and adoring his brother's Tardis art... seriously, wow!), I have three listings in the auction! It took me a while to decide what to donate, but I think I found the perfect donation. Namely, three winners will receive original stories by me, using their ideas! For details, check out one of my listings:

Want to browse the auction? Awesome!

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