Thursday, June 14, 2012

The {Booker} Award: for those who refuse to live in the real world

Hello, my lovely readers!  Guess who was just awarded with her first-ever blog award?  Yes, that's right: yours truly! :)

Sarah over at Inklined awarded me with The {Booker} Award!

1. This award if for book blogs only! To receive this award the blog must be at least 50% about books, reading, and/or writing.
2. Along with receiving this award, you must also share your top five favorite books you have ever read in your life.
3. You must give this award to five-ten other lucky book blogs that you adore.
Five of my favorite books, in no particular order:
1. A Family Forever by Brenda Coulter
2. The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins
3. Christy Miller & Friends series by Robin Jones Gunn
4. Books of Bayern series by Shannon Hale
5. TrueColors series by Melody Carlson
Here's where I make my confession: Inklined is one of two book blogs I follow!  So I've decided to do things a little differently: I'd like my lovely readers to each nominate one book blog.  Ready, set, nominate!

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