Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Camp NaNo: About My Book

Cover Image:

Again created by the amazing Ruth Ackiv!


Kaimalie hates her new life as the rich kid, so when she meets a real mermaid, she jumps at the chance to trade feet for fins.

Word Count Goal:


Main Character:

Kaimalie Palakiko, quarter-Hawaiian athlete living in Hawaii with her half-Hawaiian dad and her Wisconsin born and raised mother.

She enjoys running and swimming, she collects seashells, and she's working on getting better at her biking.  Her dream is to be in the Ironman Triathalon one day.  Her family, with her father's job as a groundskeeper, was pretty average until a helicopter accident.   Her father saved a prominent politician before the wreckage went up in flames, making them famous from the news coverage and rich from the man's reward.  Now Kaimalie is miserable in her family's new life.  Then a cruise vacation brings her path across someone she never would have expected, and her life is changed forever.

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