Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Versatile Blogger Award

My lovely readers, you know that I absolutely love blogging.  Why else would I still do it three times a week after two years?  But some days, I really, really love blogging - and every time I am nominated for an award or referenced by a blogger inspired by or helped out by my post(s) is one of those days.

Today I'm finally sharing the nomination from a couple weeks back by the wonderful NerdyWordyBirdy.  I've seen this award around the blogosphere, and I am so honored to now be receiving the Versatile Blogger Award!

This award simply asks that recipients nominate 15 other blogs and then share seven facts about him/herself. However, I've already told you all the state of my blogroll, so you'll understand that my nominations will, sadly, have to take a rain check.

Without further chatter, seven things about me:
  1. I am using CLASS high school curriculum, and I love it.
  2. There's a little paper TARDIS I made with a free printable this past Thanksgiving sitting on my desk.  The tabs on top won't stay closed right, so I use it to store things like candy or money periodically.
  3. My Uncle Dan lent me a movie nearly a year ago that I still haven't watched yet.  Bad Emily, I know.
  4. I get excited over sales on baby names books and pocket dictionaries.  I'm a writer; what can I say?
  5. Tuesdays and Fridays I work at a lady's house, cleaning - you know, laundry, mopping, vaccuming, dishes, etc etc.  The pay's great. :)
  6. I no longer have a favorite color, because deciding between seven awesome main choices with countless subdivisions is impossible and paralyzing and way too limiting.
  7. My future wedding Pinterest board has surpassed 400 pins... so I've started a future home board to help me organize my obsession a little better.
Bonus!  I have an ebook coming out sometime this year, and I'm super excited, and I can't wait to share tidbits and interviews and cover art with y'all!

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