Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Camp NaNo Wrap-Up

Check out the details on the book I was working on for Camp NaNo.

My word count goal: 50,000
Necessary words per day to reach that goal: 1,667

My total: 20,767
Average words written per day: Not nearly enough. (It's a bit embarrassing.)

My stats graph:

As you can see, I started off strong.  Actually, this was the best start I've ever had to a NaNo project.  I was so fired up and determined that this time, I would win!  I was ahead at least a day's worth for several days in a row.  It was great!  My cabin was totally awesome and supportive, too.  In fact, you can go visit them at their respective websites and blogs, if you like.  There's KatelynBethany, and Sarah, all of whom I already knew.  C.F. and Elliot are new friends - C.F. is a fellow homeschooler (well, graduate), and Elliot has totally awesome fantasy drawings, including one of a griffin!

I powered through the first three chapters of my story, and then I reached a main plot point.  See, with my book being about a mermaid and girl switching bodies, the tone and style of the book shifts a bit after the switch.  That's when I realized I had no idea what to write next.

Writers are familiar with crazy lifestyles, and military families (as well as others) know Murphy's Law like they know their best friends.    Well, I experienced a writer's-version of Murphy's Law.  The week I hit what felt like my biggest block ever, I started to fall behind in school a little.  That also happened to be the week of prom and a junior/senior Six Flags day... at the same time my family closed on our new house.  So, naturally, the next week my grandparents visited and we started new-to-us house fix-ups and moving in.  Of course, lots of things popped up in cyberspace that I just had to participate in too - serious things like the Gosnell tweetfest and fun stuff like Rock the Drop.

Writer's Block + Prom + Six Flags + School + New House + Moving + Grandparents Visiting + Cyberspace = Nothing I both can and want to take out of the equation, but not really enough time to figure out my story.

So it's back to the drawing board and a return to camp in July.

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