Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Camp NaNo!

Good morning, my lovely readers!  Remember this past November, when my blog was taken over by Pinspiration for and discussion of my NaNoWriMo book?  Well, this month I'm going to keep the writing/non-writing posts a bit more balanced, but right now I'm participating in a similar month-long challenge: Camp NaNoWriMo!

Today, I'll let the officials from camp tell you how the program works.  Then on Thursday, I'll share a bit of my Pinspiration for this project.  Don't worry, Saturday will be a non-camp post.
"Based on November’s National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), Camp NaNoWriMo provides the online support, tracking tools, and hard deadline to help you write the rough draft of your novel in a month… other than November!

Camp NaNoWriMo was established in 2011 as a project of the Office of Letters and Light, the parent 501(c)(3) nonprofit to National Novel Writing Month and the Young Writers Program. 2013 Camp sessions will take place in April and July."

Participation is key.  Community is a strong part of this event - you get assigned to a cabin with 4-6 great supporters, and you can discuss anything and everything you're working on in the NaNo forums!  You can set your own word goals, and you can even use an already-started story.  *gasp*  You NaNo rebel, you!  (Traditional NaNoWriMo requires that you not start the actual story until 12 AM November 1.)  I think my favorite parts are my cabin (with several people I requested and already know well) and the novel page on my profile.  I'm a simple, easy-to-please person.  Give me a spot for my story description and the gorgeous cover Ruth Ackiv so graciously made for me (again).  I'm one happy Camper. ;)

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