Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Diamond Candles: Review and Giveaway!

Have you heard of the latest trend in candles?  I first discovered it through one of those "suggested pages" ads on Facebook.  Basically, the idea is that when the candles are made, a piece of jewelry is hidden inside the wax.  Then, when the customer burns the candle, eventually they discover their surprise gift!

Diamond Candles is one company that does this with rings.  Their candles are all-natural and handmade of soy.  Every candle is the same size and price, and each contains a ring that could be worth anything from $10 to $5,000!  For more about the story behind Diamond Candles, check out http://www.diamondcandles.com/about.

Scent options vary widely, from fruity or floral to food or tropical.  For my personal candle, I chose a tropical scent - Island Getaway (currently sold out).  The colors, general description, and individual scents used as ingredients were all appealing to me.

When the candle arrived, it was nicely packaged in a cute little labelled box.  The minute I opened the box, I could already smell the candle.  Mmm!  The candle burned smoothly and steadily, without problems.  The flame was a little uneven or 'jumpy' at times, but trimming the wick solved that problem.  The colors were absolutely lovely and actually matched my bathroom decor perfectly!  The scent was strong straight out of the package, but I was a little disappointed to find it wasn't as strong while the candle was actually burning.  Still, I don't think I've ever been completely happy with a candle - I like my scents seriously strong, to the point most people would consider overpowering.  And, when I burned the candle in the morning before work and kept the door shut while I was gone , my room still smelled nice upon returning. :)  (The flame was blown out, of course.  Never leave a lit candle unattended!)

The wax melted more quickly than candles I've used before and solidified in a strange, flaky way.  Also, portions of the wax started turning green.  I think this might be because of the all-natural soy ingredients?  I've never used an all-natural, handmade, or soy candle before.

Now, the exciting part: the ring!  The minute little peaks of foil starting to show in the wax, I blew the candle out and went digging with my tweezers.  (Not recommended by Diamond Candles. I was impatient, yes.)  I wiped the wax off the foil with a few tissues and used the tweezers to open it up.  Then I wiped off the tweezers and used them to remove the ring from the ziplock baggie.

My ring was a silver one, with a green gem cut in a circle.  Based on my limited knowledge of jewelry and Diamond Candles's advice, my ring is probably more than $10 but less than $100.  It's also a size too big for my ring finger, but it fits nicely on my middle and pointer fingers.  I love that I got the perfect color for me - a red or pink ring wouldn't have gotten much use sitting in my jewelry box, but blue or green is right up my alley! :)  Plus I don't wear much gold, so the silver is great for me, too.

In all, I think Diamond Candles are an adorable, original idea and make a great gift - for others or for yourself!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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