Monday, January 6, 2014

A Walk Down Memory Lane: Authors of Interviews Past

Good morning, my lovely readers! How's life after Christmas break? I'm struggling to get back into schedule, too. Anyway, we've had so many wonderful guests for interviews this year - from indie authors to traditional authors to a future Olympist. I thought perhaps some of you who missed the last two parties might enjoy going back in time today and seeing guests of parties past.

Our first year of partying, 2011, focused more on guest posts. We did, however, host three interviews:

Marc Franco, author of indie bestseller Catching Santa
Cidney Swanson, now my favorite author and an Amazon bestseller of YA speculative fiction
And the really big deal: Robin Jones Gunn, arguably the best writer of Christian YA ever (although Melody Carlson comes really close)

2012 saw a return of Cidney Swanson, as she was transitioning her focus from contemporary sci-fi Ripple trilogy to futuristic sci-fi series, Saving Mars. (That series is nearing an end now, and I must say, it blows the fantastic Ripple books out of the water. I'm almost scared to see what Cidney does next!) If 2011 was the year of guest posts, then 2012 was the year of giveaways! However, there were still several prestigious guests.

Rachel Coker, teen author of beautiful Christian historical fiction
Gail Carson Levine, most definitely the master of YA and MG fantasy
Stephanie Morrill, founder of my stellar writers' group, Go Teen Writers
Jill Williamson, now co-host of Go Teen Writers, and a really awesome YA speculative novelist

This year has seen more interview guests than both 2011 and 2012 combined. It's quite clear that this has been the year of interviews!

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