Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Guest Post at Just Us Girlz

Hello lovely readers!  Just wanted to tell you that I guest posted at my friend AnnaKate's blog, Just Us Girlz, on Sunday.  Topic?  The parallels between America and the Hunger Games. :)

"Why is the Hunger Games so popular outside of the young adult world?
This series teaches the reader. It makes a person think about topics like freedom, government, choice, and the morality of humans and humans' entertainment. It pushes you to wonder about the things we've been desensitized to today in the real world. Whether or not Suzanne Collins started out to write a critique of today's world into her books, she ended up with one. Not to mention the characters are nothing like any stereotypes - every single one has a life story, weaknesses and strengths, and reasons for every action that are true to life and believable."

You can read the whole post here:

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