Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wish Upon a Hero

My real-life friend Kathryn blogs at; she's a military spouse and special needs mom who blogs about family, marriage, parenting, special needs, military life, and Christianity.  I was actually interviewed about life as a military brat (the actual term for a child of a service member) a while back.

Recently a guest poster on her blog mentioned a website called Wish Upon a Hero.  It's a bit like the Make a Wish foundation, except it's independently run and anyone can make or grant a wish.  (Which also means there's not an actual foundation granting the wishes; individual members do that and thus become the wisher's "heroes.")

When I chose my one word for 2013, I didn't just want to focus on my dreams for this year.  I also wanted to become more aware of the dreams of those around me and find ways to help other's dreams come true.  So when I found Wish Upon a Hero, I realized that this was the perfect opportunity.

I don't have very much money at any point as a teenager without a 'real' job.  Most of the wishes are wants or needs for food, gas money, clothes, baby formula, diapers, rent money, and a million other things that require financing.  But if you look long enough, you'll find a wish or two that you can grant with little to no monetary cost on your part.  It could be as a blogger, like in my case.  Or it could be that someone living near you needs child care, car maintenance, or used clothes that they can't afford.  Are you a babysitter?  A mechanic?  A mom whose kids have outgrown some jeans?

This month I'll be doing my best to help grant two wishes here on my blog, but until then I encourage you to go check out the website.

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