Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Christmas Party

Hello everyone, and happy Saturday!  Have you enjoyed the party so far?  This year's celebration is drawing close to the end, but we can still enjoy these last few days.  (Especially the final presents in the Super Girls' Giveaway!)

This year, not only am I hosting my second annual blog party, but I also hosted a real-life Christmas party with some girlfriends of mine.  This wasn't my first time hosting a Christmas party... but let's just say it's my first successful Christmas celebrating endeavor. *ahem*

While words are usually my medium of choice, everyone knows that a picture is worth a thousand words, so I've decided to let the photos from my party tell their own story.  Enjoy!

A note: since my party skills have grown much this year, I've decided to join Hostess with the Mostess and post my favorite parties I've planned/hosted!  Right now only my brother's pinata birthday and my Christmas party are up, but I plan to add other parties I've done.  You can see my new profile here!

(Following photos are from a White Elephant gift exchange and Christmas charades game.)

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