Sunday, January 20, 2013

One Word 365 Journal (A Mini-Post)

See my previous OneWord365 blog posts.

A note: since I changed my blog name and address, I had to create a new Facebook page.  Please go like the new page here:

I recently created a OneWord365 tab for a separate page here at my blog, with links to advice and ideas from my blog and others.  I may also do a regular end-of-the-month update - still undecided.  You'll have to wait and see!  Anyway, on to the journal I wanted to share with you:

From my first entry:
When, a little over a week ago, I announced my participation in OneWord365 and my choice of the word "dream," I never expected my first month to be so flooded with opportunities, blessings, and ideas.  In order to chronicle and track my year of dreams, I've started this OneWord365 Journal.
I'm participating in Melanie's Monthly One Word Linkup Party.  Join us!

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