Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Pinterest Report: Handmade Photo Key Chains (Part Two)

Week Twelve: Handmade Photo Key Chains, Part Two
{all photos linked to source}
{See part one here.}

This was a particularly long project, which in turn means this is a particularly long post with a lot of photos.  It might slow down your computer or take a while to load.

The Pin:

mod podge photo key chains
The Link:

You'll need: mod podge, paintbrush, decorating stuff (scrapbooking paper, stickers, die cuts, contact-size photos, colored pens, paint, etc.)

What to do: Obviously, this part is way open to your own choices and creativity.  However, I'm sharing how I make my key chains.  Feel free to copy my process!

Step One: Cut a small rectangle of scrapbooking paper, slightly bigger than your key chain base piece.  Mod podge one side of the key chain to the back of the paper.  Trim and let dry.  (I worked on six key chains at a time, so that by the time I'd finished each step with the sixth, the first piece was dry enough for the next step. Also, I forgot to take a photo of this step.  See the third and fourth pieces in the photo above.)

Step Two: Decorate the key chains with... well, whatever you want!  For one I printed off a photo of Adam, a boy I babysit, and added a sticker and some glitter dots I cut off some glitter scrapbooking paper.  Another key chain I made has a photo off the internet of daffodils, with some decorative paper that I wrote "Dream of Daffodils" on.  My third just has a "Dream" 3D scrapbooking sticker.

Step Three: Paint the backs of the key chains and let dry.  This make take several coats, depending on how dark the color is, and if you're perfectionist like me you may want to use a tiny brush to carefully paint the textured white edges of the key chain card.  I like the paint idea, because that way it's clearly the back and it's simple and plain, but it's not the ugly back of a gift card.  You could easily use colored or scrapbooking paper, or even make the key chain double sided.

Step Four: Once the paint is completely dry, mod podge the front of the key chains.  Let dry and repeat on the back.  This prevents the key chains from getting scratched or having add-ons on the front peel off.

Step Five: Put the key chain on something - a key ring, string, ribbon, one of those small ball chains, a pipe cleaner, even a necklace string or chain.  It doesn't have to be a key chain!

 Ta-da!  All done!

The Grade:

I really enjoyed this project, especially the fact that it took more time and allowed for a lot more freedom and creativity than most Pinterest crafts I've tried.  I'll definitely be repeating this one!  It even works for gifts; I gave the key chain with Adam's photo to his mom and she loved it!

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