Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Pinterest Report: Toilet Paper Tube Pillow Boxes

Week Thirteen: Toilet Paper Tube Pillow Boxes
{all photos linked to source}

Note: Thursday's post was probably not worded as well as it could have been.  I intended it to sound like "We should love people all year, not just Valentine's Day."  Instead I feel like it came across more as "I hate Valentine's Day, such a dumb idea!"  Please know this was not what I meant!

The Pin:

do it yourself toilet paper tube pillow boxes

The Link:

The Test:

What you'll need: pretty/scrapbook paper, scissors, tape, ribbon, at least one toilet paper tube, small gifts (I used candy)

What to do: Really, this is one of the easiest Pinterest projects I've done.  Measure and cut a rectangle of scrapbook paper to go around the middle of the TP tube.  Tape it down and cut a piece of ribbon to go around the middle of that.  You can make a ribbon bow with it if you'd like.  Tape it down.

Now pinch and then push in the ends of the tube.  You'll have to go with the photo on this one, since it's hard to explain.  Fill the tube and close the other end the same way.  Tape down the ends if you need to.

Tada!  Finished.  Sorry, but I only have finished-project photos today, since once again I forgot to take pictures while working.

The Grade:

Fun, easy, fast, versatile, only needs a few supplies - I love this one!

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