Wednesday, November 30, 2011

S is for...

the sea...

specifically, the sea surrounding okinawa, japan

the sea by night...

the sea by day...

the seawall

the sea view from okuma, a well-known oki resort

the sea view from our vip cabin at camp schwab

(The lovely ladies in the first few photos are Haley, Beth, Ryanne, and Reagan.)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sunset Dreams

This one's published in an international collection, although that isn't saying much.  The publisher accepts just about anything.  Still, it's published!

Brilliant purples, pinks, and blues

Blend in such amazing hues,

My breath is taken out from me

And as I stop to gaze, I see

A stallion toss his wispy mane

Then race away, ne'er seen again.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Book Review: Do Hard Things

Do Hard Things by Alex & Brett Harris
A teenage rebellion against low expectations

This book was Amazing, with a capital 'A.'  The best way to sum up my thoughts on this book?  "If I were a millionaire, I'd buy every teenager I know a copy of Do Hard Things by the Harris twins."  I'm totally serious.  I'd buy it for my teen brother if I didn't already have a Christmas present for him.

The writing style was perfect for this book.  It was open, honest, and real.  Unlike most teen-written books, it was consistent.  Unlike most teen-aimed books, it wasn't 'dumbed down.'  While it was an easy read in the areas of vocabulary and pace, the thoughts and focus were anything but easy.

The book is broken down into three parts.  Part One: Rethinking the Teen Years introduces the concept that teenagers are just adults stuck under the low expectations of today's culture.  It talks about how the Rebelution got started, and how Alex and Brett started doing hard things.  The Myth of Adolescence and the importance of doing hard things when you're young are also discussed.

Part Two: Five Kinds of Hard explains what, exactly, the twins mean when they say 'hard things.'  Five categories of hard things are given, and each category is explained in detail with a chapter.  Examples and encouragement are included, too.

Part Three: Join the Rebelution discusses the nationwide and worldwide effects of just a few teenagers doing hard things.  This section focuses on the stories of several modern-day teenagers who have gone from a small idea or Christ-driven passion - called by the Harris brothers a "holy ambition" - to running a recognized non-profit organization, speaking on television and radio, being featured in magazines, and hosting live events with thousands of teens in attendance.  Encouragement and direction for finding your own holy ambition and turning that passion into a path of action are also shared.

A final appendix shares the good news of the Gospel for those teens who are ready to do hard things, but have never started a relationship with the God Who makes these things possible.

I highly recommend this book to anyone above the age of seven or below the age of thirty.  My single complaint is the use of non-KJV verses, although many readers wouldn't find this a problem.  I give this book four and a half stars, and encourage you to buy it.  Now.

I received this book for free through Blogging for Books in exchange for this review.  All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day Ten - A Recent Photo of You

This one's sooo much easier than last week's.

Not exactly the best photo of me, but definitely the most recent.  Oh, and that's Aidan.  (I babysit a lot.)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving's Overrated

Now before you lovely readers shoot me or hastily unfollow, let me explain: Thanksgiving is overrated.  Thanks-giving, on the other hand, is not nearly as pushed as it should be.

Allow me to get my point across.  Have you ever played this game?  I say a word, and you say the first three words or things that come to mind.  No hesitation, editing, or thinking allowed.  Just blurt the first three words out.

Here we go:


My guess is most of you think along the lines of turkey, football, family.  Not necessarily in that order, but that's probably what came up.  Maybe some of you thought Pilgrims or no school or cranberry sauce... you get the idea.

Usually, though, the word "thanksgiving" does bring up the topic of thankfulness... after food and family and friends and football and school plays and history class.  There's nothing wrong with those things; I just find that I personally prefer to celebrate Thanksgiving during the rest of the year, too.  (Minus the turkeys and colored-paper Indian feathers.)  I call it Thanksgiving of the Heart.

This isn't a rigid schedule or an absolutely-must-do-this-daily thing, but every day I think of something I'm thankful for.  I don't make lists or write a thank-you note to God or someone who has touched my life, and after several weeks of this I don't even have to try.  It will just hit me.  I'll be texting or talking to someone and suddenly think, "I'm thankful for you - for our relationship."  I could be just waking up on a Saturday morning, lying in bed still sleepy, and think "I'm thankful for a non-leaky roof" or "I'm thankful for my own room."  Then, sometimes, I start really thinking about that.  You know how many families around the world have a dozen or so people living in a mud hut the size of my bedroom?  And I get it all to myself!  You know how many people - how many kids, too! - live off of a single cup of rice a day?  Not just a cup per meal - no, a cup per day!  And I have about thirty choices in the cupboard at snack time alone.

It's moments like those that I consider my Thanksgiving.  The actual holiday may revolve around Macy's parade, family football games, and a giant turkey, but when the decorations come down and the Christmas preparations are in full swing, I tend to find myself more thankful when I'm not trying too hard.

What has happened upon your life that you value?  That you could say you're thankful for?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

R is for...

Raggedy Anne

Seriously, 'r' should not be this hard.  It took me forever to think of something, and I decided to just take Random Red photos of stuff around the house.  Here's some other photos with red:

Nick's red Crocs

the plastic red scissor and hole punch basket

and Adam, our current babysittee, wearing a red shirt and eating red Jell-O

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

First Snow

This is actually a song I wrote nearly a year ago, when we returned to America after our three years on a tropical island.  Since I can't compose music to save my life, I usually refer to it as a poem.

[verse 1]

Snow drifting, falling to the ground

Fire burning, family all around

It's the time I've been dreamig of so long

The first snow

I walk outside, staring up in bliss

Spin in circles, shriek at all I've missed

It melts on contact, but I don't care

The first snow


Sparkling white

Cold and clean

Beautifully fresh

Perfect, pristine

I love the seasons

Spring, summer, fall

But winter's first snow

Beats them all

[verse 2]

Soon we'll eat turkey and watch football

Hang bright lights and deck the halls

But for now I enjoy this sweet beginning

The first snow

We wash the dishes, let the fire die

Get our coats and say good bye

The day is done, but I never forget

The first snows


Sparkling white

Cold and clean

Beautifully fresh

Perfect, pristine

I love the seasons

Spring, summer, fall

But winter's first snow

Beats them all

Monday, November 21, 2011

Mega Giveaway! And Book Review: The Song of Unmaking

Click the cover to buy
The Song of Unmaking by D. Barkley Briggs
Legends of Karac Tor

This time, we have my awesome preteen brother Jon with us.  As you can see, he really enjoyed the book, and is now begging me to set aside more review books for him.  After Nick's review last week and Jon's clamor for this book, Eddie's started a blog and is reviewing books, too.  Guess this is becoming a whole family affair!

Let's allow Jon to introduce himself:

Hi!  I'm Jonathan.  I am twelve years old and in the seventh grade.  I'm homeschooled.  When my sister asked me to work on this, I was a little scared I wouldn't meet the date because the book was so big, but once I got started I really loved it and finished a whole week early.  I love to read Hardy Boys books, and I like martial arts books, too.  My sister is into lots of blogging, so I agreed to help her.  This is my first review book and I'm looking forward to doing more.

Well, let's get reviewing!

This Story Was About... four brothers in a magical world working to save the world with their special powers (songs), given to them by the champion of the world.  Cities are being attacked and there is a great machine being built up in the mountains that is said to be able to destroy the world.  The brothers have to work together with the people of the land and stop the machine.  One of the brothers, named Ewan, who traded his song to save the life of a friend, must get over his grief and find a new song that is stronger than the one made by the machine.

What I Liked: The way that the author described everything in detail - even if you didn't read the first two books, you could still understand everything because he explains it.  There was lots of action and comedy with no romance, which I thought was great.

What I Didn't Like: I liked everything!

My Favorite Part: The very end of the book, where Ewan finds his new song to stop the machine.

My Favorite Person: My favorite person was one of the two ten-year-old twins you'll meet named Garret.  Why I liked him was because of his song - his song let him control the wind in any way he liked.

My Thoughts: This is a great book for anyone who is willing to take time to read it.  At some parts, it can seem boring or confusing but you just get through those parts because they're part of the storyline.  I am looking forward to reading the rest of the five-book series.  I give this book the full five stars!

(This is Emily.)  And there you have it!  Apparently this is a great teen/preteen action-adventure-fantasy.  If you're looking for romance, though, you'll have to look elsewhere.  (Which means it's probably a good thing I let Jon do this one, because I really prefer at least a little amour in there.)  Considering how reluctant Jon was to read a book this big, it's rather impressive that he finished a whole week early, and even more so that he gave it all five stars.  Guess it's pretty good!

Now, for the Mega Giveaway!  The author of this series is offering a huge 48-books-plus-Kindle-Fire giveaway on his Facebook page!  The 48 books are all YA Christian fantasy, by 15 different authors, including the Legends of Karac Tor series.  (And that's just first place!  Second place gets an iPod Shuffle, and there's a bunch of other mini-prizes!)  It's running until November 30, and all you have to do is upload a photo of yourself reading one of the Legends of Karac Tor books.  For official rules, check out

My brother and I received this book for free in exchange for this review.  All opinions expressed are entirely our own.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day Nine - A Photo You Took

As if the A B See Photo Meme wasn't enough... haha, I'm going to open my photos and use the first one that comes up.

And that would be... *drumroll*... TADA!

This is my brother Jon and Bear (otherwise known as Uncle Dan or Mr. Dan) on the boardwalk during our Florida vacation this past summer.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


There's no post today, because I'm working on my NaNoWriMo.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Q is for...

Queer Quackers!

Have you any idea how difficult it is to think of words that start with 'q' - much less words you have photos to match!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What Is Home?

Home? What is Home?

Home is where the full heart bursts
With love and laughter
In joy immersed.

Home is where the spirit feels
Safe, secure, revived,
And healed.

Home is where a soul can rest
Away from turmoil,
Far from stress.

Home is where a mind delights
As folk converse and
Memories alight.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Book Review: The Rescuers

The Rescuers by Cecelia Maria Hilliard

Click the cover to buy
Strangers humiliating the king... a dangerous love triangle... and a whirlwind of secrets... will this year's feast end in tragedy?

The yearly feast is being held in King Clarence's castle this time around, but a gathering of strangers aren't happy with it.  This hooded group known only as The Rescuers is determined to convert the king from cruel to kind.  Meanwhile, Prince Derrick tries to win over Princess Victoria; Victoria has caught the eye of King Clarence; and the king is sought after by Victoria's sister Jalean.  As the secrets of the cast are slowly discovered, sword fights and magic-filled battles determine the fate of all involved.

As usual with most self-published titles, this book could use some professional editing.  Typos, misplaced punctuation, awkward wording, and the like were a bit of an eyesore.  The dialogue and behavior of the royals left me confused as to whether this was supposed to be a modern-day or medieval tale.  However, the story was very unique and well thought out.  I enjoyed the unexpected twists and the occasional use of humor and irony.

One thing I especially liked about this book was the author.  In fact, that was the whole reason I chose this book.  Cecelia Hilliard was only a junior in high school when she published this in 2001.  Even when it could use some serious editing, self-publishing your first novel in high school is impressive in my eyes.

I give this book three stars for the storyline and for the guts and hard work (and money, in this case) it took a high schooler to follow a writer's dream.

I received this book for free through the Dorrance Book Review Team in exchange for this review.  All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day Eight - A Thank-You Note

A thank-you note to someone who changed your life... well, there's two I could go with right now.  As I already wrote one of the recipients about a year ago, I think I'll go with the more unusual letter.

Dear Department of Defense,

You probably don't get many letters from us brats, do you?  While we either love the places you let us visit, hate the rearranging of our lives you so often cause, or couldn't care less about you, we rarely let you know.  I mean, I'm not even sure who's reading this - probably some low-pay new guy who sorts through the unofficial mail.

But anyway, I just wanted to say thanks.  You probably don't remember, but back in 2007 you stuck my family on a tiny island that most active duty list as the number one desired spot to be.  I hated you for it.  I wrote poems and letters and laments about how much I hated you.  But I learned a lot there - I learned what it was like to be bitter, and how to let go of that and heal.  I learned how to deal with drama and cliques.  I learned the blessings and curses that come with the size of your church.  I made friends I never knew were out there and discovered a culture most American kids have never thought about.  I could go on and on about how much those three years changed my life, but I know whoever's reading this probably has a lot of mail to sift before lunch.

You know, after Okinawa, you moved my family to Georgia.  That time I was a little more appreciative - granted, that was because it was a stateside move, but I was just happy to start over.  I love it here in Georgia.  It seems every place you stick us in has something for me to learn - someone for me to meet - some way for me to grow.

Anyway, Mr. Low-paid Mail-sorter, I'm sure you'd like to go, so I'll sign off.

With Gratitude,

Emily Russell, Air Force brat

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friendlight Friday

I was invited to join this weekly posting link-up.  While I already have bloggy plans (and NaNoWriMo to work on), I wanted to share it with you.

I am hosting a weekly blessings themed blog challenge along with Rebecca from Blessings Every Minute of My Life!

Here is how the challenge works. Each week, there will be a theme or topic such as family, friends, Bible verses, etc. Both Rebecca and I will each do a post on a way that God has blessed us through the particular weeks theme. For example, if the theme is family, we would do a post about a family member that has been a blessing to us over the past week. Now here is where it gets fun. You all will then have a whole week to do a post of your own that follows the challenge theme and link it back to either my blog or Rebecca's using the challenge button located either on my sidebar or Rebecca's sidebar. The challenge will be once a week for the month of November.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This weeks theme is

"How has the Lord Blessed you in some way this past week??"

~Well, the Lord gives me a LOT of blessings, which I don't deserve. But I guess what I was most thankful for this past week was the fellowship that my family had with two of my favorite preachers. We have known these preachers for a few years, but it seems like forever, because both of them would do anything for my family..

We just started talking, and talking, then somemore talking.. And we just sat there talking about the Lord and church, and what we had all been up to lately. These two preachers are {in the process of} starting a Bible College, and they were sharing updates with that. And it was just a really fun time of fellowship:)~
Read the rest of these posts here and here...
Visit Erin here...
Visit Rebecca here...

Thursday, November 10, 2011


There's no post today, because I'm working on my NaNoWriMo.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

P is for...


Well, what was I supposed to put?  I don't have photos of a pelican, or packing peanuts, or pots, or anything else I could come up with.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Round curls and shiny locks

In gold, red, and brown

Bounce on their foreheads

As they skip and run through the halls.

Sparkling blue and green

Or deep brown eyes

Shift from toy to toy

And swirl with indecision.

Little noses, smooth and

Freckled and unmarred

Scrunch up with laughter

Or a loud sneeze.

Pudgy round cheeks and

Small, clear foreheads,

Pink with sunburn and

Made pinker by bright dresses.

Tiny, soft lips with bite marks

Carefully form words

Or gentle smiles or

Wet, adorable pouts.

Fragile shoulders lengthen into

Arms and fragile little hands,

Trustingly enclosed in another's

Or wrapped around a crayon.

Thin, light bodies barely

Heavier than a bag of feathers;

Or round, soft toddler tummies

Smooth and pale and ticklish.

Little toes curl in their shoes,

With chipped blue and purple polish

Or dirt covering

The white edges.

Young, clean, naive minds

Untouched by the filth in

The big world.

Beautiful, innocent, pure...


Monday, November 7, 2011

Book Review: Oops

Click the cover to buy
Oops! by Bill Myers
TJ and the Time Stumblers

For this review, I had my amazing kid brother Nick read the book.  This review will be mostly in his words, so bear with me.

Before we start, let's allow him to introduce himself.

Hi!  My name's Nick, and I'm ten.  I'm in fifth grade and I'm working on a book review with my sister, Emily Rachelle.  You might know her.  I like to read mysteries... I like to read almost any story - as long as it's not romance.  I don't like romance!  I am a big lover of candy.  (Emily's note: that's an understatement.)  I don't know what else to write....

Okay, on to the review.

This Story Was About... how two boys from the 23rd century came to the 21st century and ruined the life of a teenage girl named TJ.

What I Liked: Everything, except for the confusing parts.  I liked how TJ turned her enemies into things, but then later turned them back.  I like the big, bold words and onomatopoeia (Emily's word for sound words).

What I Didn't Like: How it could get pretty confusing - everybody's saying things and you have to remember everything.

My Favorite Part: When she was on television on Hesper's show and all her (TJ's) thoughts became reality.

My Favorite Person: Probably TJ because of how she can think people into things.  Any thought she had became true.  I could think me into the owner of the biggest candy store in the world!

My Thoughts: The story's really good...

(This is Emily Rachelle.) Okay, so that didn't quite turn out the way I expected, but he definitely tried.  I haven't read the whole book, but from what I've read it's a great 'easy read' for younger audiences, and has a lot of wholesome humor.  He chose the rating, and said it was too confusing to be five stars.  So there you have it!

Check out Bill Myer's website here.

Nick received this book for free from the Tyndale Blog Network in exchange for this review.  All opinions expressed are that of myself and my brother.  Neither of us were otherwise compensated.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day Seven - Five Things You Couldn't Possibly Live Without

Now, with this one, I could obviously go at least two different ways.  I could be boring and list necessities such as food and water.... or I can be creative and tell y'all what things would be really hard for me to do without, although technically I could live without them.

Of course, a writer like myself just has to take the creative path!

1. My laptop - blogging, homework, social networking, email, WordPad... I don't know what I'd do without them!  (Well, except the homework part.)

2. My cell phone - not until recently did I realize how vital this little gadget has become to communication in my life.

3. My doodle pillow - okay, this one was just for fun.  I have this old blue pillowcase that a friend and I decorated with Sharpies at my twelfth birthday party.  Everything from that day has since faded off, but I take the pillow everywhere - camp, sleepovers, etc. - and write on it whenever something important happens or I get really bored.

4. My mother - seriously, I don't think either of us could live without the other - and I don't mean that in a haughty way.  I help her with meals, and she does my laundry, and I help the boys with math or language, while she does all my teacher-work.... you know, she's my mom.  Then there's the whole 'complicated emotional relationship bonds' between mothers and daughters... all right, I'll stop now.

5. You.  A writer isn't a writer until somebody reads their work - and not just because somebody told them to, but because they actually want to read it.  I wouldn't be blogging today if it weren't for a certain person who reads every post I write.  Back when I had under ten followers and nobody commented - ever - it was this one person who would say something about a post and I'd realize, 'You know what?  That person reads it.  So I guess I'm still a writer.'  Now, I have a little under 50 followers (if you add GFC, Networked Blogs, and email subscriptions) and it's those who read the posts - comment on them - mention them to me - that keep me blogging.  So thanks.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friendlight Friday

People have been convinced for two millennia that Jesus will return and return quickly, in our timetable. In terms of economy, morals, culture and persecution, I would not myself pin our time as the perfect pitch of turmoil. The Great Depression was horrible. So was the French Revolution. Rome's decadence. The World Wars. The Reformation period. For as many hits the world has taken, the current Western famine still has some pretty good pickings left.

Things are lurching along at a troubling pace, undoubtedly. But while a good portion of Christendom predicts gloom and doom, I and many others hold out for hope. Hear me out.

So much of Christianity has been wrapped up in Western culture that we think that losing the latter will lose the former. If America falls, all is lost! If we don't return to the Greatest Generation, we're doomed! If we don't wear suits and hats to church, we're heading for decay!

Read the rest of this post here...

Visit Bailey here...

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Today I don't have much to say, so I'm just going to re-post a call for guest bloggers as a reminder that I still need writers (and photographers!) for my upcoming blog party:

Hello, lovely readers! I have a bit of a surprise for you...

We'll be having a blog party in a few months!

The party doesn't start until December, but I need help getting ready. I want to make this party BIG. Really big - for this blog, anyway. It might be small stuff for somebody else, but for us this is going to be huge.

I'll be sharing our first guest posts, starting our first giveaways, and possibly having some contests and hops. The party will go from the middle of December to the middle of January, and it'll be a multi-celebration. We'll have blogging stuff, Christmas specials, New Years events, birthday stuff, and possibly some cultural holiday spotlights.

But in order to make this party a success, I need your help. If you're a reader, I need you to spread the word about this blog. A party isn't a party without guests! I need people to read the special posts, enter the giveaways, and participate in this event!

If you're also a writer, photographer, or blogger, I need guest posters. You can write about Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, blogging, birthdays, New Years, or anything else you think fits with this blog or this celebration.  Email me at if you're interested!

This is going to be a big event with lots of firsts for us, and for me personally. But it can't happen without your help. Will you tell your friends? Facebook, Twitter, or even put my button on your blog. I'd love the help!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

O is for...


Today's post is a little long, but bear with me. These are my top picks from three years' worth of photos.

the beach at Camp Schwab

a common site: a native with a bike

a habiscus, the famous Okinawa flower, in my backyard (literally)

our next-door neighbor's palm trees (no, we didn't live on the beach)

another flower growing in our backyard

our next-door neighbor's bench

the view from the mountain we all climbed at summer camp

the fields at Pineapple Park

the Pineapple Park's signature pinapple carts

As a military brat, you always end up missing the places you've been and the people you've met - whether you liked them initially or not.  Today I'm missing Okinawa.  Is there someplace or someone you're missing today?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Just One

Just One

I cannot draw to save my life,

Nor paint nor sculpt nor color;

I cannot build inspired domes,

Nor compose a simple measure.

With words I'm not the greatest; still,

As they are all I know,

I'll do my best to use them well...

I hope they make just one heart glow.