Saturday, November 12, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day Eight - A Thank-You Note

A thank-you note to someone who changed your life... well, there's two I could go with right now.  As I already wrote one of the recipients about a year ago, I think I'll go with the more unusual letter.

Dear Department of Defense,

You probably don't get many letters from us brats, do you?  While we either love the places you let us visit, hate the rearranging of our lives you so often cause, or couldn't care less about you, we rarely let you know.  I mean, I'm not even sure who's reading this - probably some low-pay new guy who sorts through the unofficial mail.

But anyway, I just wanted to say thanks.  You probably don't remember, but back in 2007 you stuck my family on a tiny island that most active duty list as the number one desired spot to be.  I hated you for it.  I wrote poems and letters and laments about how much I hated you.  But I learned a lot there - I learned what it was like to be bitter, and how to let go of that and heal.  I learned how to deal with drama and cliques.  I learned the blessings and curses that come with the size of your church.  I made friends I never knew were out there and discovered a culture most American kids have never thought about.  I could go on and on about how much those three years changed my life, but I know whoever's reading this probably has a lot of mail to sift before lunch.

You know, after Okinawa, you moved my family to Georgia.  That time I was a little more appreciative - granted, that was because it was a stateside move, but I was just happy to start over.  I love it here in Georgia.  It seems every place you stick us in has something for me to learn - someone for me to meet - some way for me to grow.

Anyway, Mr. Low-paid Mail-sorter, I'm sure you'd like to go, so I'll sign off.

With Gratitude,

Emily Russell, Air Force brat

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