Monday, November 21, 2011

Mega Giveaway! And Book Review: The Song of Unmaking

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The Song of Unmaking by D. Barkley Briggs
Legends of Karac Tor

This time, we have my awesome preteen brother Jon with us.  As you can see, he really enjoyed the book, and is now begging me to set aside more review books for him.  After Nick's review last week and Jon's clamor for this book, Eddie's started a blog and is reviewing books, too.  Guess this is becoming a whole family affair!

Let's allow Jon to introduce himself:

Hi!  I'm Jonathan.  I am twelve years old and in the seventh grade.  I'm homeschooled.  When my sister asked me to work on this, I was a little scared I wouldn't meet the date because the book was so big, but once I got started I really loved it and finished a whole week early.  I love to read Hardy Boys books, and I like martial arts books, too.  My sister is into lots of blogging, so I agreed to help her.  This is my first review book and I'm looking forward to doing more.

Well, let's get reviewing!

This Story Was About... four brothers in a magical world working to save the world with their special powers (songs), given to them by the champion of the world.  Cities are being attacked and there is a great machine being built up in the mountains that is said to be able to destroy the world.  The brothers have to work together with the people of the land and stop the machine.  One of the brothers, named Ewan, who traded his song to save the life of a friend, must get over his grief and find a new song that is stronger than the one made by the machine.

What I Liked: The way that the author described everything in detail - even if you didn't read the first two books, you could still understand everything because he explains it.  There was lots of action and comedy with no romance, which I thought was great.

What I Didn't Like: I liked everything!

My Favorite Part: The very end of the book, where Ewan finds his new song to stop the machine.

My Favorite Person: My favorite person was one of the two ten-year-old twins you'll meet named Garret.  Why I liked him was because of his song - his song let him control the wind in any way he liked.

My Thoughts: This is a great book for anyone who is willing to take time to read it.  At some parts, it can seem boring or confusing but you just get through those parts because they're part of the storyline.  I am looking forward to reading the rest of the five-book series.  I give this book the full five stars!

(This is Emily.)  And there you have it!  Apparently this is a great teen/preteen action-adventure-fantasy.  If you're looking for romance, though, you'll have to look elsewhere.  (Which means it's probably a good thing I let Jon do this one, because I really prefer at least a little amour in there.)  Considering how reluctant Jon was to read a book this big, it's rather impressive that he finished a whole week early, and even more so that he gave it all five stars.  Guess it's pretty good!

Now, for the Mega Giveaway!  The author of this series is offering a huge 48-books-plus-Kindle-Fire giveaway on his Facebook page!  The 48 books are all YA Christian fantasy, by 15 different authors, including the Legends of Karac Tor series.  (And that's just first place!  Second place gets an iPod Shuffle, and there's a bunch of other mini-prizes!)  It's running until November 30, and all you have to do is upload a photo of yourself reading one of the Legends of Karac Tor books.  For official rules, check out

My brother and I received this book for free in exchange for this review.  All opinions expressed are entirely our own.

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