Monday, November 28, 2011

Book Review: Do Hard Things

Do Hard Things by Alex & Brett Harris
A teenage rebellion against low expectations

This book was Amazing, with a capital 'A.'  The best way to sum up my thoughts on this book?  "If I were a millionaire, I'd buy every teenager I know a copy of Do Hard Things by the Harris twins."  I'm totally serious.  I'd buy it for my teen brother if I didn't already have a Christmas present for him.

The writing style was perfect for this book.  It was open, honest, and real.  Unlike most teen-written books, it was consistent.  Unlike most teen-aimed books, it wasn't 'dumbed down.'  While it was an easy read in the areas of vocabulary and pace, the thoughts and focus were anything but easy.

The book is broken down into three parts.  Part One: Rethinking the Teen Years introduces the concept that teenagers are just adults stuck under the low expectations of today's culture.  It talks about how the Rebelution got started, and how Alex and Brett started doing hard things.  The Myth of Adolescence and the importance of doing hard things when you're young are also discussed.

Part Two: Five Kinds of Hard explains what, exactly, the twins mean when they say 'hard things.'  Five categories of hard things are given, and each category is explained in detail with a chapter.  Examples and encouragement are included, too.

Part Three: Join the Rebelution discusses the nationwide and worldwide effects of just a few teenagers doing hard things.  This section focuses on the stories of several modern-day teenagers who have gone from a small idea or Christ-driven passion - called by the Harris brothers a "holy ambition" - to running a recognized non-profit organization, speaking on television and radio, being featured in magazines, and hosting live events with thousands of teens in attendance.  Encouragement and direction for finding your own holy ambition and turning that passion into a path of action are also shared.

A final appendix shares the good news of the Gospel for those teens who are ready to do hard things, but have never started a relationship with the God Who makes these things possible.

I highly recommend this book to anyone above the age of seven or below the age of thirty.  My single complaint is the use of non-KJV verses, although many readers wouldn't find this a problem.  I give this book four and a half stars, and encourage you to buy it.  Now.

I received this book for free through Blogging for Books in exchange for this review.  All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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