Friday, November 11, 2011

Friendlight Friday

I was invited to join this weekly posting link-up.  While I already have bloggy plans (and NaNoWriMo to work on), I wanted to share it with you.

I am hosting a weekly blessings themed blog challenge along with Rebecca from Blessings Every Minute of My Life!

Here is how the challenge works. Each week, there will be a theme or topic such as family, friends, Bible verses, etc. Both Rebecca and I will each do a post on a way that God has blessed us through the particular weeks theme. For example, if the theme is family, we would do a post about a family member that has been a blessing to us over the past week. Now here is where it gets fun. You all will then have a whole week to do a post of your own that follows the challenge theme and link it back to either my blog or Rebecca's using the challenge button located either on my sidebar or Rebecca's sidebar. The challenge will be once a week for the month of November.

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This weeks theme is

"How has the Lord Blessed you in some way this past week??"

~Well, the Lord gives me a LOT of blessings, which I don't deserve. But I guess what I was most thankful for this past week was the fellowship that my family had with two of my favorite preachers. We have known these preachers for a few years, but it seems like forever, because both of them would do anything for my family..

We just started talking, and talking, then somemore talking.. And we just sat there talking about the Lord and church, and what we had all been up to lately. These two preachers are {in the process of} starting a Bible College, and they were sharing updates with that. And it was just a really fun time of fellowship:)~
Read the rest of these posts here and here...
Visit Erin here...
Visit Rebecca here...

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