Saturday, July 21, 2012

30 Day Challenge: Day 29 - The Next 365 Days

This week is the second to last of the challenge, and today I'm supposed to share my "hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 365 days."  That's a lot of days to talk about, so I'll try to be brief. :)

July: Volunteer with Olympics-themed VBS at church. Go on nine-day mission trip with youth group to Dominica.

August: Celebrate the birthday of and possibly throw party for brother Jon. Start school.

September: More school.

October: Celebrate brother Nick's birthday.  Celebrate best friend Ash's birthday.  Celebrate one-year mark with boyfriend.

November: More school. Celebrate Thanksgiving.

December: Kick off second annual blog party, complete with giveaways, book reviews, author interviews, and guest posts.  Celebrate Christmas, my favorite day of the year.  (Christmas break too!)

January: Celebrate Mom's birthday.  Turn seventeen!  Hopefully celebrate with Ash and The Sound of Music.  (The whole "Sixteen Going On Seventeen" birthday theme is something I've always wanted to do.)  Conclude second annual blog party.  More school.

February: Celebrate brother Eddie's birthday.  Maybe throw party for him if he wants.  Celebrate Valentine's Day, a holiday which I *still* can't make my mind up on.  I mean, on the one hand, a holiday for love is a pretty idea.  On the other, it's a little ridiculous.  Why not celebrate love all 365 days of the year?  And why does love have to be so focused on romance?  There are a lot of different kinds of love out there.  Then there's the whole bit about it being a money-making Hallmark holiday...  But being the girly romantic I am, I can't really hate Valentine's Day despite all these things.

Oh, and maybe see boyfriend when his family PSC's. :)

March: Mail card and amazing gift I have yet to come up with to best friend Mikaela in lieu of celebration.  Celebrate Easter?  Will it be in March or April this year?  Also, spring break?  No idea when that will be this year.

April: Celebrate Easter?  Spring break?  Same questions.  More school.

May: Enjoy glorious Georgia weather.

June: Boyfriend's birthday. :) Dad's birthday.  Hopefully finish school on time this go-round.  Possibly be counselor-in-training at Wilds summer camp.

Yeah, nothing extravagant or extraordinary.  (Well, except the mission trip part!)  But it's my life, and I'm happy with the way it is right now. :)

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