Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kristen {guest post}

Today I *should* be somewhere between Dominica and home, if all goes well.  Meanwhile, I've invited Kristen M of K's Journal to introduce herself and her brand-new blog.  I met Kristen when she visited my blog and asked for advice.  After reading some of her poetry, I've realized that she reminds me of the writer I wanted to be at her age.  But enough from me!  I give you the amazing Kristen, young writer and great girl.

Hi there! I'm Kristin M, another writing blog author.  I recently commented on one of Emily's posts, asking her if she would visit my own site, K's Journal.  After reading some of my stuff, she asked me to introduce myself on her blog.  Due to my lack of publicity, I'm very grateful for the opportunity she has given me.
There's not really much to explain about myself and my blogging. I'm honestly just another writer who wants to be heard. I eventually would like to be a published author, but for now it's just me and my blog. My writing is meant entirely to express myself, to show the world who I am as a writer and as a person. As a true believer in creativity and the imagination, I love thinking about the unexplainable and the illogical, which you will see very clearly through all my posts. I like to share my philosophies, short stories, several types of poetry, and sometimes just random thoughts. Eventually I'll probably start doing some occasional updates on my everyday things, though. Me? I'm not really anything special. A writer, dancer, bookworm, day dreamer, sister, nature lover, Harry Potter freak, and in my parents' words an everlasting ball of energy.  :)  Most people wouldn't find anything particularly unusual about me...

If they ignored the fact that I'm 12, that is.

Yes, you read that right; you've been listening to a 12 year old girl this whole time. If you think my ideas are insane, I'd like to let you know that I agree with you 100%, but that doesn't necessarily mean they couldn't happen. But before calling the thoughts completely crazy, I would like you to simply ignore my lack of years for a moment, and listen to my writing. I expect to be underestimated, I expect to be overlooked, I expect to not be liked by everyone, but I most certainly do not expect to be swatted away before even being heard out.  All I ask is for people to listen - I'm not even asking you to like it, or to care. I just want to know what you think, what you hear...


By Kristin M.

A light within the darkness
A star that burns the night
Someone to wash away the tears
And tell you all is right.

A brightly colored painting
Inside a blackened room
The soldier that's left standing
To fight for the doomed.

A wall that's there to block you
From all evil and all dark
To sooth your everlasting scars
Without leaving a mark.

Sometimes it will be hard to find
Sometimes it's hard to care
But all you really truly need
Is the belief that it is there.

A light inside the darkness
A star that burns the night
Someone to show the hope within
To know that all is right.

That's it. Nothing much, but it's a start. If you're interested in reading some of my other stuff, you can visit my blog, K's Journal. I love having comments on my pieces, whether it's advice, compliments, or questions. I don't mind truthful opinions, even if you don't really like whatever I've posted, as long as it's not insulting or rude. Giving me ways to make it better would be really useful, too. Thank you so much for reading!

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