Thursday, July 12, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award

I recently shared that Sarah at Inklined nominated me for my first blog award.  Well, today I'm happy to tell you that my friends Katelyn and Becki have nominated me for my second!

It's called the One Lovely Blog Award, and I believe it was started by a teen writer whose name I don't know at This Page Intentionally Left Blank.

The Rules:

1. You have to thank the person who nominated you on their blog to receive your honor.
2. You have to tell 7 things about yourself!
3. You have to nominate 15 blogs and then tell them of their nomination!

Seven Things:
  1. I'm actually rather terrible at talking about random things, especially about myself.
  2. In case my lovely readers can't tell, my break from blogging ended semi-recently, and I've fallen in love with blogging yet again.
  3.  I love watching movies or television shows with subtitles on, especially when the subtitles say the soundtrack's lyrics rather than just the song titles and artist names.
  4. I have shared several random things about myself on this blog, including Things I'm Afraid to Tell You and The Game of Elevens (I invite other bloggers to read the latter and join in the fun!  It's never to late to play. :] )
  5. I plan to resume the A B See Photo Meme, which I pretty much abandoned after my blogging break, as soon as I finish the 30 Day Challenge.
  6. My obsession with socks, which I've mentioned once or twice on the blog, seems to have subsided.  My obsession with the combination of green and blue, on the other hand, has not.
  7. I am addicted to Pinterest.  You can follow me if you want.  I usually follow back. :)

As usual, I'm not much for nominating blogs. :\  After all, the majority of blogs I read are big professional websites.  Call me a horrible person, but I just don't have time to read many others.

However, I can still nominate the ones I do read and love.  I have only five to nominate, so my lovely readers can add to the list in the comments if they wish, and then go notify their own nominees. :)

Marcia at Enchanted Musings
AnnaKate at Because He Loves Me
Anna at The Daughter of the King
Bailey at Big House in the Little Woods
Rachel at rachelcoker

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