Thursday, October 25, 2012

30 Ways to Help Others

This list was drawn up by one of the pastors at my church, Mikado Baptist, and he gave me permission to share it here.  I keep it pinned to my bulletin board (real, not Pinterest!) as inspiration.

Just a note: my previous list of 9 Ways to be a Better Steward of the Earth now has a pinnable image!

30 Ways to Help Others
a list by pastor ed
  1. Volunteer somewhere
  2. Learn the names of the people who work at the places you frequent
  3. Make and deliver goodies to someone who is struggling
  4. Call someone and let them know you miss them
  5. Listen to people
  6. Send flowers to someone when they don't expect it
  7. Thank a previous Sunday School teacher/coach
  8. Smile at everyone you make eye contact with
  9. Hold a door open for someone else
  10. Invite a neighbor over for dinner
  11. Give a genuine compliment to someone
  12. Buy someone a copy of a book that was meaningful for you
  13. Sit with someone who is alone or out of place
  14. Help a neighbor when you see them outside working
  15. Share a favorite verse with at least five people today
  16. Say thank you
  17. Go the entire day without complaining about anything
  18. Take someone out for ice cream
  19. Give something anonymously
  20. Tell someone how glad you are to see them
  21. Write something nice on a car window of someone you know well
  22. Mow a neighbor's yard
  23. Help a widow or single parent with anything
  24. Wash someone's car
  25. Write someone who is away from home
  26. Teach something specific that you know about
  27. Look for opportunities to mentor someone
  28. Pay for the stranger's coffee behind you in line
  29. Let love for others drive your life
  30. Recognize when God calls you to serve

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