Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Review of The High Calling eNewsletter

I'm a teenager.  I know firsthand that teenagers, especially as we get older, have responsibilities and lifestyles that are different than an adult's, while we often have the maturity level and understanding of many adults.  Therefore, I love to read advice articles written for adults, especially Christianity-related.  However, it often frustrates me when such articles have titles that sound promising - I think Ooh, I could really use help with that right now! I wonder what they suggest? - and then I read the article and realize that it's specific to a certain full-time job or part of adult life that doesn't relate to me.

Granted, these articles were written for a target audience that I'm not in.  My reaction to or takeaway from the article isn't important to the company, blog, magazine, etc. that wrote it.  But I really appreciate when advice is written in a way that is generic enough to apply to my life while at the same time practical enough to actually help people.

The High Calling eNewsletter offers articles like that.  It sends out a weekly round-up of an audio message, a video, and several articles from their website.  The focus of the articles and messages always fits the website's mission: to "create an online community by actively listening and educating people about work, life, and God."

The titles and one-sentence descriptions of the articles are perfectly geared towards helping readers choose the articles most suited to their needs.  The articles themselves are godly, applicable, and well-written.  The videos seem to be divided into two types - animation or interview style.  The animation videos are short and fun.  They take a story involving something simple - like hair dryers - and teach a lesson through it, often in under a minute.  The interview videos are equally short and focus more on personal advice from individuals in the workplace.  Each video answers a single faith-related question - considering spiritual gifts in the workplace, for example - and again deals with that topic in about a minute.  The audio messages are also about a minute long and are easy to understand.  Still, for those who are visual learners or have hearing difficulties, a transcription is printed next to the audio play button.

To sum up, this enewsletter provides personal, practical advice and encouragement for adults that is also helpful for teenagers.  I especially like how almost everything on the site takes less than two minutes to read, watch, or listen to.

I was requested to read the archives of this enewsletter and review the content by Handlebar marketing.  I received a $10 Amazon gift card in exchange for this review.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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