Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Pinterest Report: DIY Painted Bobby Pins

Week Six: DIY Painted Bobby Pins
{all photos linked to source}
The Pin:
Nail polish bobby pins

 The Link:

Lines Across: Nail Polish Bobby Pins

The Test:

You'll need: Plain metal bobby pins, nail polish, index card or cardstock

What to do: Slide the bobby pins onto the index card or cardstock.  Make sure to space them out. 

Paint them with any nail polish you like - basic colors, glitter polish, it doesn't matter.  Some colors may need a second coat.

Let them dry and carefully slide them off the index card or cardstock.  It's that simple!

I put mine on a clean index card for storage.  You can also make a matching or complementing set and slide them onto a small piece of scrapbook paper, a pretty card, or a decorated index card and give it as a gift.
I've already used mine several times, and I haven't had any problems with chipping polish, which was a concern my mom mentioned.  I love mine!
The Grade:

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