Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Book Review: Sneak

Sneak by Evan Angler

A secret Markless community is growing across the globe, and Logan Langly's mission to save his sister is about to bring them all together.

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I'll let you read the original back-cover description for this one, but be warned there may be spoilers.  (To read the description, highlight it with your cursor.)

When Logan went on the run after the events of SWIPE, no one thought he could survive on his own.

He proved them wrong.

But when Logan finally makes it to Beacon City, he finds that the capital holds more secrets than anyone could have guessed. And all his careful planning is worthless against a government that will do anything to gain absolute control.

I've been waiting for this book from the moment I finished Swipe, and I was not disappointed.  The voice of each character and the writing style of the author is just as brilliant and clear.  I've begun to notice certain writing rules Evan Angler breaks regularly, but it really works for him, because he does it consistently and it matches the tone of the book.  The plot in this book was absolutely sparkling!  I honestly doubted anything could trump Swipe, and there didn't seem to be much to reveal when Logan already knew what he'd set out to discover in the first book.  But I was so wrong!  The story just keeps getting better, more realistic, more tangled in secrets and danger.

The original characters - Logan, Erin, Dane, Hailey, the Dust - are all back and true to themselves in their thoughts and actions; plenty of new characters arrive, too.  Some are friends, some are foes, and with some you can never tell.  But every character - new and old - is well-constructed and, though not always likeable, always real.

In conclusion, I love Sneak as much as (dare I say more than?) Swipe.  Also, I'm thrilled to find out that Evan's already finished the original draft of book three!!

I received a free copy of this book through BookSneeze in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions expressed are mine.

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