Saturday, September 8, 2012

New Blog Series: The Pinterest Report

Since finishing the 30 Day Challenge a few weeks ago, I've been looking for ideas for a new Saturday series or theme.

Since starting this school year, my junior year of high school, I've also had more free time on my hands than I've had in a loooong time.

These two factors combined last week resulted in The Pinterest Report!

HTML codes don't like my blog posts, so to use this button, you'll have to save it to your computer and either turn it back into a button or make it link back to my blog.
Every Saturday, I'll post a recipe, craft project, cleaning tip, or something along those lines that I found on Pinterest.  Then I'll post my attempts and results when testing that pin!

If you'd like to participate in The Pinterest Report, contact me at newyorksnowflake(at)gmail(dot)com or comment on this post!  Your report(s) will be posted on your blog and mine, with links to each other's, on the same day.  You'll also be asked to put the above button on your blog and leave it for the month during which your report(s) is/are posted.

Stay tuned for the first weekly Pinterest Report next Saturday!

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