Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Pinterest Report: DIY Glue and Spray Paint Art

Week Two: DIY Spray Paint Art (Hot Glue Version)
{all photos linked to source}
The Pin:
I couldn't find the original pin, so I used mine.
Elmer's glue, let it dry overnight, spray paint

The Link:
This is one of those pins that just links to the whole site.  The original tutorial isn't really a tutorial and is nearly impossible to find, so I'm linking to a follow-up that won't do you much good. Sorry.
The Test:
You Need: either Elmer's glue (original tutorial) or a hot glue gun (my no-patience version), a canvas, and spray paint.  Also newspapers and a well-ventilated area for the spray painting.

What to do: Use the glue to create your doodle or quote, then let that dry.  Spray paint over it and let dry again.  That's it, you're done!



I liked making it and it was super-easy and pretty fast.  However, it was almost too easy.  I like more involved projects, generally.  Also, (this is probably entirely my fault), I don't really like the messy look.  I'd recommend this more for people with steady hands and more patience than I have.
The Grade:

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