Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Pinterest Report: DIY Stickers and Spray Paint Art

Week Three: DIY Spray Paint Art (Sticker Version)
{all photos linked to source}
The Pin:
Again linking to my own since I can't find the original pinner.

The Link:

Brassy Apple: Cut it out! Canvas Tutorial

The Test:

You need: (tutorial's way) canvas, fabric, contact paper, spray paint, staple gun, printer and exacto knife or cricut machine (my way) canvas, letter stickers, fabric, spray paint, hot glue gun.  Also newspapers and a well-ventilated place to spray paint.

What to do: Follow the link above if you want to see the original lady do it.  Pretty much you staple the fabric around the canvas, then make your own quote and letter stickers, put the stickers on the fabric, and spray paint.  Then remove the stickers.  How I did it?  Wrap the fabric, with a considerable hem, around the canvas and hot glue in place.  Use letter stickers (mine are mismatched because I just used what I had on hand) to create your quote.

I also used this little sticker maker thing to create my own version of sticker paper, which I then made raindrops out of.

Spray paint over the stickers and let dry enough that you can touch the stickers without getting paint on you.  Then carefully peel the stickers off.  Mine were still sticky and just looked cool, so I found an old sticker book to put them in for future use.

Voila!  You're done.  Just let it sit to dry a little longer.

"Some people feel the rain; others just get wet." ~Bob Marley, random singer I've never heard of.  Found this quote - you guessed it - on Pinterest.

I liked this project better than the glue one from last week, but I'm thinking I should get more contrasting colors if I do it again.  This time I just used stuff I had lying around to try it out.

The Grade:


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