Thursday, September 6, 2012

Teen Writing Contest!

Well, my lovely readers, today is another happy day of firsts for yours truly.  Why?  Because today starts the second round of Sarah from Inklined's Teen Ten Page contest - and I'm the critiquer! :)

Here's how it works:
1. Teenage writers send the first paragraph of their story, up to 150 words, in the text of an email to Sarah at sarah(dot)y(dot)faulkner(at)
2. Sarah and her friend Hannah from Candy Apple Books will judge the entries and choose two winners.
3. These two winners will send in the first ten pages of that story and get a critique from me!

1. One entry per person.  If you send in more than one entry, you will be disqualified.
2. Sarah will send you an email confirming that she received your entry.  If you don't get a confirmation within 48 hours of entering, re-submit your entry.
3. The contest closes at 11:59 PM Eastern time on Thursday, September 16th.
4. If you are a blogger: please either post about this contest or grab the button below and put it in your sidebar.  Then, when you submit your entry, either tell Sarah you grabbed the button or give her the link to the post where you shared the contest.

Are you a teen writer?  Then what are you waiting for?  Go enter the contest and then spread the word!
{The code doesn't want to work for me, so to grab the button, save the image to your computer and, when putting it on your blog, link it to}

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