Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Law of Fetucide

It's been a while since I talked about abortion and the pro-life cause, although it's a fight that's close to my heart.  Recently, a lady at church told me about some local news she'd caught and thought I might want to share with you, my lovely readers.

A man in Henry County, Georgia, ran over his pregnant 27-year-old girlfriend in his pickup truck.  Police arrested him and charged him with felony murder and fetucide.  Being as involved with the pro-life cause as I am, I was a little surprised to hear such a charge existed.  Fetucide?  Is that new?  But I looked it up, and apparently it's a real law in Georgia.

Fetucide as defined by Georgia law basically means any unborn child being intentionally killed without legal justification by hurting the mother or being intentionally killed while their killer commits a felony.

So, a doctor does an abortion.  His justification is that the baby's unwanted (the parents can't afford kids/another kid, the situation involves a single or teen mom, the parents want a different gender, etc.).  According to the doctors, abortion does not hurt the mother.  And sometimes it doesn't - not physically, anyway.  But it always affects them deeply psychologically, and there are more cases of physical problems than abortionists will admit.  In conclusion, a man kills an unborn child on scant-but-legal justification and maybe without harm to the mother.  He's innocent.

This Henry County man runs over the mother and gets charged with what's essentially two different kinds of murder.  Right now, officials aren't even sure if the deaths were intentional or accidental, but either way this situation doesn't sit right with me.

How does any of this make sense?  Why does one man kill a baby and get called a doctor, while another man kills a baby and gets called a criminal?  It's so twisted.

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