Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Pinterest Report: Removing Glitter Polish

Week One: Removing Glitter Nail Polish
{all photos linked to source}
The Pin:

Remove Nail Polish

The Link:
The Test:

You Need: nail polish remover; cotton squares or balls (I prefer squares); aluminum foil strips; toe dividers (optional, but makes it much easier)

What to do: Soak cotton in nail polish remover. Put the cotton on your nail; secure it by wrapping with an aluminum foil strip.  Wait about 5 - 10 minutes, depending on how many coats of polish you're wearing and whether you're wearing topcoat.  Slide the wrap and cotton off your nail; the polish should slide off with it.  If not, rub your nail with the soaked cotton.

I'd been wearing my now-favorite then-new glitter polish, a really nice gold one, for my part as an angel in the Christmas production.  As all nail-polish wearers know, regular nail polish removal is nothing compared to glitter polish.  Glitter is fun, but it can be a pain!
When I was ready, I followed the instructions exactly.  I even set a timer and watched a show on Netflix while I waited.

It worked! :)  After trying it, I repinned it with these notes: for toes, put in dividers first; cut cotton squares in half for smaller toes, pinkies, and kids' fingers; easier to do on fingers than on toes, but you may need help with the last few fingers

The Grade:

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