Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Contest!

I'm really excited about today, my lovely readers, because I'm finally getting to try something on this blog that I've planned for a while - a contest!

Who: Anyone, from any country, follower or non-follower, all ages.

What: Christmas talent contest!

When: Today through midnight, December 27.

Where: Email all entries to newyorksnowflake (at) gmail (dot) com. No attachments, please.  All entries must be in the body of the email.

How/Rules: Send me any photo, scanned/photographed artwork, poem, story, song, etc. that is original and PG- or G-rated.  You may enter multiple forms of work (i.e, a photo and a story), but you may not enter more than one of the same format (i.e, two stories).  Each entry must be a separate email.  Stories must be 300 words or less.  (I'll be a bit lenient for a few words over, but please respect my time and do your best to stick to that limit.)  Since this is a Christmas contest, entries must be winter or holiday themed.  Accepted holiday themes include Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's, and Kwanzaa.

Prize: Depending on how many entries I receive, and how varied the entries are, the number of winners will vary.  I will either divide the entries into categories (stories, poems, photos, etc.) and choose one winner from each; OR I will simply choose three-five winners from all the entries.  The winners will have their work published here on my blog during this party.

Entry Format:

[Subject line of email must read "Christmas Contest Entry"]

First name and last name or initial:

Website (blog, Deviant Art,, YouTube, etc. - optional):

Entry Category:

[Entry in body of email]

Spread the word and good luck!

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