Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Just Me, Blogging

Lovely readers, I adore NaNoWriMo, but it definitely throws off my blogging schedule!  I have absolutely nothing in mind to post about today.  Horrible of me, I know.  I suppose I'll just share a few blog-related things from my life right now.

The most exciting bit of blog goings-on right now is the blog party that is approaching very quickly.  We'll get started on Wednesday, December 12, but as the button below says, stay tuned for a pre-party surprise!

Come on over to my party!

Other activities: I received an email and therefore joined Bloggerdise.com.  It's a website that at first looks like an unprofessional, ad-ridden, possibly spammy area in cyberspace.  However, it's actually a respectable place for bloggers and small businesses or authors to come together for blog reviews, giveaways, and offers. It just looks a bit messy and amateur because it's a free site run by one man.  (More power to him!)  I've already met some great business owners and lined up some special things for our party.  New deals show up every day, and it really is worth it to join if you're a blogger.  I love the site!

I decided recently to go back to the very first blog posts I ever shared and clear some out.  There were the P.O. Box Club and new blog announcements (for newer readers, those were two websites I started but later shut down).  There was also the One School Year Challenge, for which I and a few readers decided to not buy a certain thing for a whole school year.  I chose books and posted a one-month update.  After that, though, other things came up and the challenge was completely forgotten, so I decided to delete those two posts about it.

Then, of course, there were a few tiny posts written before I knew what I was really doing with a blog.  Those had to go.

Finally, I've learned how to use meta-tags for search engines on Blogger!  So for posts I'd like to promote, I just enter a description in a certain box and save it with the post.  Go me!

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