Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Iiiit's Party Time!

Come one, come all!  Today we officially begin our second annual blog party!  First of all, thanks to all my lovely readers - and new visitors! - who are here for the party.  I'm sure you won't be disappointed!


To those of you who weren't here last year, here's the rundown: today marks the day I began blogging, and this makes two years.  Yay!  Between now and my birthday (seventeenth this year!), we have...

~guest bloggers
~interviews with authors
~giveaways and contests (presents!)
~at least one food-related post
~a special playlist just for this year's party
~a special party blog design
~lots of new friends!

I've arranged for a great lineup of bloggers and authors to visit, plus some really awesome presents.  :)

Sadly, - the site I use for blog playlists - no longer allows embedding.  Instead, you have to go to the playlist on their site.  Here's the link to what I was hoping to put on the blog this month:

Now, on the the announcement you've been waiting for: the winner of this year's first party present, a Stardust necklace from the Etsy shop Amarese, is...


Shelley Waters!

Congratulations!  I'll be emailing you and Linda, owner of Amarese, about claiming your present.  :)

Lovely readers, I have one last note before you go.  Could you do me a favor?  Share the news!  Spread the love!  I want as many people as possible to enjoy all the fun at our party.  All non-bloggers have to do is pin, share on Facebook, and/or tweet the party button at the top of this page.  Fellow bloggers can do that as well, and/or put my button in my sidebar with the code found underneath.  Just scroll to the top of this page and you'll see the button and the code box.

Thank you so much!  See you tomorrow!

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