Monday, December 24, 2012

Jewelry Review: 4 All Humanity

Remember when I told you about the 4 All Humanity coupon code?  Well, first of all, it's still good - the store is offering free shipping for all purchases made before December 31.  And for you, my lovely readers, use the code maybeteen10 to get 10% off your entire order. :)

Second, the goodies they mailed to me for review came a while back.  I haven't had a chance with the party schedule to talk about them until now.

To recap what I told everyone about the company earlier this month:

4 All Humanity is a privately owned online store that offers internationally created, ethically sourced women's apparel and accessories.  They sell clutches, scarves, dresses, tops, and beautiful jewelry, all from artisans in Africa and India.  Next year's products are to include creations from Peru, as well.

The company sent me the gold cut leaf cuff and the luna drops earrings, both gold and both handmade by women in India.  I took a few photos, but I apologize in advance for poor lighting.  I was playing around with all the settings on my camera a while back and forget to reset the lighting.

Both pieces are beautiful and I love wearing them. :)  My skin is uber-sensitive; I can't wear most earrings, certain rings, and any form of watch for even a full day.  These gold-colored bronze earrings did pretty well on the irritation/allergic reaction level - just some minimal itching, which I expected.  If you're like me and are only supposed to wear pure gold, these earrings still work really well.

As for the cuff, which is also gold-colored bronze, I didn't have any irritation issues at all - the design keeps it off your skin and lets your skin breath.  I will say that the cuff is a little bent in a few spots.  However, it is super-thin metal, handmade, and was mailed to me.  Also, cuffs have to be flexible enough to slide your wrist in without falling off when you're wearing them.  Therefore bending can happen sometimes.

So, pretty much, these are two gorgeous pieces of jewelry that I am in love with.  I can't wait to see the new pieces the store will be offering next year!

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