Monday, December 31, 2012

Worst Photos of 2012

During last year's party, I posted funny search terms used to find my blog and the worst photos taken during my year of blogging.  Well, this year I was going to do the same thing.  Except last year's list of search words was merely two, and this year's has absolutely nothing.  Seriously, most searches that lead to my blog are Christmas-related... plus searches for cookies, griffins, and other random stuff that I actually have blogged about.

Therefore, I decided to do away with the search term list and instead make the Worst Photos my tradition.  Enjoy the awful!

a photo of a sea sponge at the aquarium, taken by my then-ten-year-old brother Nick

my Christmas tree... with all wrong lighting

a coconut growing into a tree in Dominica

ugh... *shudder* me in Capitol citizen costume for seeing The Hunger Games the first time around.
this was an awful idea. (the costume, not the movie)

blurry image of some wild daisies by the lake

playing with my new camera when I first got it
(the hutch in our living room, photographed with fisheye or fishbowl lens or something)

me attempting to take a photo of a hairdo I liked

extremely blurry image of our living room decorated for a birthday party

me making Dr. Pepper cookies, as photographed and head-chopped by my brother Jon

Last year I cheated and posted eleven photos.  This year I totally forgot I was planning this and recently cleaned out and sorted through the photos on my computer.  Therefore, I only have nine somewhat lame images.  Hopefully next year's awful will be better.  (Worse?)

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